Kakashi Hatake

797 16 3

TITLE; i'll make sure you don't die, okay?


"Damnit! How many times do I have to do it until it works?!" It had been two days now. TWO DAYS. You had been practicing a special jutsu that had been passed down to you by the third hokage, but you just couldn't seem to figure it out. It had been a while now since you had actually learned a new jutsu, but you didn't think it would take this long; then again, it was a justu used by the third, so it makes sense that it would a little difficult to learn. Either way, this was getting really stressful now, and you were just about reaching your breaking point.

"Maybe if I try and focus my chakra here, and-- OH YEAH YEAH!" Finally, it seemed to all align. For a few seconds. Just as you had been celebrating, another pang of anger consumed you as the jutsu stopped working. After all this work, you couldn't believe that the sweet moment of victory would just go away all of a sudden. This was an outrage, and you would have definitely gone and complained to the hokage; that is, if he wasn't dead.

Great. Now the sadness kicks in.

It wasn't like you had that big of a connection with him in the first place, you had only known him once you had become a jonin. Even so, you had quite a few moments of happiness with him, and you would never trade the special times when he would give you enlightening advice. He was the grandfather of the Hidden Leaf, and for that, you would always be grateful to him; so when he suddenly came up to you and showed you his jutsu, you were both surprised and grateful. You had always felt like a little less than everyone of your age; Gai was out there teaching his cool techniques, Asuma was giving his students wisdom, Kurenai was showing her students the important skills of a shinobi, and Kakashi... was creating the future leaders. He was always special. Every time you and him were near, you could always tell. He was just that type of guy with that type of chakra, and it always messed with your feelings.

"Ugh, I can't be wasting my time on that dude, I have to learn this JUTSU!" As you yelled, you could feel yourself reaching for the last of your chakra to try one more time. Pushing it all into one place, you were finally able to take a huge step in the right direction as the jutsu formed fully. Oh, how joyful you felt at the moment; of course, there was something that was messing with this happiness. There was a presence nearby, and you were sure of who it would be; Kakashi. Just as you had said before, his presence isn't something he can hide from you no matter how much he may suppress his chakra. He was just that type of guy, so when you were jumping around for joy, you found him watching you in a tree and lost your balance half way through your jump.

That damn Kakashi's always messing with your success, ever since you were thirteen and told him that you wouldn't let him get ahead of you. The smile you could hear behind his words had always been engrained in your mind because it was the one time you could clearly tell he was smiling out of pure happiness. His mask may have still been present, but there's no denying that he had enjoyed hearing some acknowledgement from the cute girl with the (h/c) hair.

Well, this situation might have been better if you weren't in the middle of jumping with the last of your chakra; he hadn't found out that you knew he was there, so he didn't know that you wouldn't be able to save yourself from that fall. Damn, you really did yourself dirty, didn't you? You were about to fall and mess yourself up: all in front of the dude you liked. This day couldn't get any better, could it? Life was pretty cool, so you would try and look at the sky while you could, it would be the only thing that you would be looking at anyway when you would, eventually, drag yourself to the hospital. Hopefully Kakashi would leave in a few seconds so that you could embarrassingly fall on your own; this way, Kakashi only saw how cool you were with your new jutsu.

But no, he likes to stick his cute little head in your business.

Alas, you were finally reaching the ground, and there was no chance that you would be able to land this without at least some type of broken bone. Great. Well, better to land it than to suffer the consequences later of brain damage, right? As you came close, you braced yourself for the impact of the floor, but something stopped you; better yet, someone. Oh how nice, he peeks his head out just when you need him, not giving the fact that he's been creeping in the trees for half an hour now a thought. He quickly snatches you from the air, and walks you under a tree, acting a cool and handsome with that structured body and face of his. ugh, i bet he knows he's that fucking hot, and he's just hiding it because he wants to keep up his cool image. that damn bastard, you thought to yourself. He really did seem to know what effect he had on you, but it could also be that you're just so caught up in his amazingness that you can't see him any other way.

"(y/n), why do you always push yourself too hard--"

"yoU KNOW WHAT KAKASHI I COULD'VE LANDED THAT," he knew that look in your eyes, and it definitely didn't scare the shit out of him, "if only you didn't peek your head where it doesn't matter, then maybe you wouldn't have made me look like a los-- OWWW!" Nothing seemed to be going right today, not even your ankle. Why is it that when he's around you sabotage yourself unconsciously. Somehow, you hadn't even jumped the right way in the first place, and now you had a fricken swollen ankle to deal with. With this injury, you could've really destroyed your ankle for good if it weren't for... Kakashi. It was always so difficult to admit that Kakashi was right. You could easily admit your wrongs to anyone else, and be vulnerable like that, but when it came to Kakashi, you couldn't even say that you had gotten the wrong ramen order.

"Looks like you sprained your ankle," yeah well that's kind of obvious, you thought. You couldn't help the sass that always came out when Kakashi was around, it was just that you couldn't seem to admit your wrongs to him. It was almost like you wanted to be this perfect person for him, but in trying you were only pushing him away. As you were thinking about these things, you slowly felt the effects of the lack of chakra take effect, and just like that, you were gone.


"Ah fuck, where am I?"

"Language (y/n), the doctor's here."

"Wait what--" Taking in your surroundings, it seemed that you had somehow made it to the hospital. Oh god. Wait, this meant that Kakashi had carried you all the way over here. Oh no, you probably looked disgusting, and he must have been absolutely horrified at how you looked, and that meant that you had absolutely no chance at having his--

"(y/n), are you here still? Did you leave the planet, or the solar system? Am I gonna have to catch you out of the air again?"

"Okay you know what--"

"Shh, don't make other people in this building suffer my consequences. I'll accept them once you're able to get up on your own."

"What do you mean I can't get up-- owwwwwie no nevermind," His chuckle was so amazing, it was the noise that you would definitely hear as you rose into heaven, but this pain was what would be put on you in fucking hell. How does a sprained ankle hurt this much? You had been pummeled, cut, electrocuted, burnt, and so many more things, but this is what brings you down? Regardless of the pain, was this how Kakashi was seeing you now? In pain from a sprained ankle when he had endured pain worse than anyone else?

"Rest up (y/n), you shouldn't push yourself too much or you'll make it worse. The doctor said that you would be able to get out soon anyway, so I'll stick around until you do."

"Wait," This seemed to peak his interest, you were finally talking in that normal, sweet voice you had, "why? Don't take this the wrong way, but don't you have actual important things to be doing than sitting with me and practically watching paint dry?" It was a serious question, because you knew that if you were in his situation you would stay to make sure he was actually; all because you cared about him. This made your brain almost malfunction from the thoughts going through your head.

"Well, I don't exactly have a new mission to do since I haven't even gone and checked with Lady Tsunade, but either way this won't be something boring; you're the most interesting person I know," does that mean that he got back he wanted to see you first? damn that Kakashi and his backhanded romantic words, "besides, I have a proposition for you."

"What is it?"

"Let me be your unofficial watchdog."

"My what..?"

"Basically, I'll make sure you don't die, okay?" He must have misunderstood your question. You didn't mean that you didn't understand, but that you couldn't comprehend the fact that he was practically saying he wanted to protect you; he was worried for you. It brought you such a burst of joy that you couldn't even hold back any thoughts or emotions, so you brought him in to a hug. It must have been a while since he had hugged anyone, because when you did hold him tight, he didn't know what to do. Eventually, you could almost feel the gears in his brain moving, and he held you just as close as you were.

Maybe letting your walls down would be easier than you thought.


oh god i'm sorry i've been slacking, but as my last exams are coming up, i'm feeling a little more free; like a chain has been released, and i'm one step closer to true freedom. thanks for dealing with my absence, and i've got a few more one-shots planned for y'all!


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