Neji Hyuga

854 32 5

TITLE; is the little hyuga jealous?


"What's taking her so long? She's never left me waiting for so long," Neji stood in your guys' training grounds; it belong to you two because both of you had been training together at the same time for years. Ever since you two became genin and he finally saw some type of potential in you, he decided it would be good to train with you.

It really started with you two being close as children and messing around, but slowly became something more close and intimate. You two were inseparable, and really you were the only person that Neji would be comfortable enough to smile and be kind to in general. He was a real softy around you, even though he would never admit it

But right now, all he could think of is the fact that he was gonna scold you harder than your momma would ever try.

He could sense your chakra nearby, that bright and kind energy never failed to refresh his overall state from annoyed to blushy. As much as he would never want to admit it, your training sessions with him were his favorite part of his days. That and spending time with you after and walking you home at the end of the day. He liked to see you working hard because the glimmer in your eye never left, no matter how badly you were doing.

Finally, he could see your figure walking over to him; your body language showing some type of nervousness and guilt, but it didn't really make sense to him for you to be so shy around him. Little did he know that a little birdie had given you the perfect plan to push the Hyuga to the edge.

"H-Hey Neji, so I think that today I'm gonna try something new," he tilted his head at this, were you going to try some new type of jutsu? Or some new moves you had picked up from Lee? "I got a really enthusiastic invitation from Naruto to train with him today, and I think I'm gonna do it!"

Suddenly it seemed as though something inside him switched. He was feeling so broken, but he didn't know why. This was such a peculiar feeling, almost as though he was cut by a kunai; a sting of pain. It wasn't like there was a problem with training with other people, but it seemed that to him there was. It didn't make sense to him, but there was nothing he could do about it.


"Uh, yeah. B-But it's not like I'm done with training with you forever! I mean, it's good to try new things once in a while and Naruto is really strong-- n-not to say you're not strong, but Naruto offered to train with me and I wanna see if I can actually take him. You're okay with this, right?" All he could do was look away from you and nod his head; all the emotion going on through his head definitely did not assure that he wouldn't say anything stupid. Besides, if that's what you want then that's what you'd do, no biggie.

But why did it have to be Naruto? Of all people you would choose, you decided that Naruto was better than him-- wait, no, he couldn't get ahead of himself like this. Of course you wouldn't end up with Naruto and replace him; would you? Now that he thought of it, you were pretty close with Naruto too, but that was more of a hey-you're-a-pretty-good-guy type of thing and not a please-marry-me-and-have-a-kid-that-I'll-name-after-my-best-friend-that-I-totally-friend-zoned.

So, you walked off with a light smile on your face as you saw how Neji was. Looks like TenTen is the God of jealousy. She gave you the idea of trying to get at him so that he'll finally make a move, and she was oh so right. This was working just the way it was envisioned, and it would only get better once you met up with Naruto.


"See, I told you that you'd train with me at some point (f/n)-chan!" He was hugging your smaller form, spinning you around for an extra measure. He was such a grabby person that he couldn't help but touch all the time, which was perfect for this. You could sense Neji's presence in the trees; watching your every move with hawk eyes. Almost like a protective mother, but a mother wouldn't (and shouldn't u nasty ppl) feel an intense jealousy for their child flirting a bit with another human being.

"You sure did Naruto, that goes to show that you're very important to me!" You yelled out as loud as you could, making Naruto blush a light red at your words. He had never heard a girl appreciate him so much, but he wasn't complaining. With your beauty, he was glad you felt like that for him.

You two kept on training after that; making comments at each other that would be seen by others as neutral, but still kind of suspicious. Neji stayed watching how you would come close to his face every other time, and he could feel his chest tighten every time. These feelings he had for you never seemed to bother him as much as they did now, and it seemed strange to get them now all of a sudden.

Nobody had ever explained what it meant to love, and he knew who would probably know about these things. TenTen. She was the only other girl that he kind of trusted other than you, so it was only obvious that he would go to her for this.

Finally, as he found her, he explained the situation to her with a blush of embarrassment. She only giggled a little, and looked at his shy face.

"Neji, isn't it obvious? I mean, for a genius you sure don't know anything about love," he huffed at her words, which only made her burst out in giggles again, "it's so clear that you love her with all you have, so the only obvious thing that you should do is confess to her!"

"But what if she doesn't feel the same--"

"Even with byakugan you seem as blind as a mole rat." He just stayed confused and stressed; what the hell was TenTen trying to do to him? Didn't she know that he was completely clueless when it came to these things? But she did have a point, he was definitely missing something if she would call him blind... could it be that she knew something else...?

"TenTen, do you--" but just as he opens his mouth, she's gone. Ugh, so much for some help. Well, he would have to take a chance, and that's fine. Even if it turned out that you didn't feel the same, it would be okay. You seemed pretty forgiving, so it should all turn out fine. Right?


"Oi, (f/n) lemme walk you to your home!" The giddy Naruto chased after you, but all you could think about was how Neji didn't seem to care. Sure, he was there for a while, but he left just as soon as he came. This whole thing was just for him, and he just stood up and walked off without a care. Like it didn't matter that you were gone. Well, TenTen's plan backfired after all.

"Uh, sure Na--"

"No, she'll be walking with me."

The strong presence of Neji surrounded you, his arm around your shoulders and his head held high. Naruto seemed weirded out by this, but he suddenly seemed to snap out of his persistence and walk off with a 'bye.' Strange, but not strange enough to beat Neji's sudden appearance. With that said, you quickly turn around to give him a look when he takes you by the hand and pulls you towards him.

"Neji...," you could already feel the blush creeping its way up your face, and the heat coming off of him signaled that he was also getting red. Even so, he kept a firm hold of you with his arms going around your waist now in a hug.

"(f/n), I'm sorry if I'm not good enough for you," your head shot up at this, listening intently at what he was going to explain, "I know that you went to train with Naruto for today, but somehow I feel like I'm not good enough for you. You're a strong kunoichi, and I really admire that. I-I'm sorry I'm rambling, but all I wanted to say was that I l-love you... I love all of you."

You slowly push him off of you and look into his pretty lavender eyes. He seemed nervous about what you were gonna say next by the way his brows were scrunching, so quickly you assured him with a kiss. His gentle hands came up to your face, almost wanting to hold you there forever, but still being as delicate as possible to not ruin this moment. He was truly a respectful boy; a one of a kind as he parted from you to see what you were feeling, even if his instinct was telling him otherwise.

"Don't worry your little mind Neji, you're everything I ever need, and everything I'll ever want. You more than enough, and I'm grateful to hear you feel the same," you couldn't help the smile and little droplets of tears that came from your eyes, simply living in the moment and warm emotions.

"Well, looks like you let jealousy get the best of you mr. i-don't-feel-anything."


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