Chapter 8: Movie Mojo No More

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Barricade's systems slowly began to online, his optics gradually returning to their normal ruby glow. As he regained consciousness and his recharge cycle ended, he did a quick systems check. His internal chronological systems told him that his reprieve had been brief.

Forty two point three-five earth minutes.

It would have to do for now. Something had caused him to online before he recovered a more suitable amount of energy- and whatever was causing the anxious stirring in his spark could not be good.

The dice was rolling, and an oncoming battle was imminent.

On impulse, he held up one servo and activated one of his hidden blades, inspecting several crude scratches and nicks that marred the Cybertronian alloy with a critical eye. This particular blade had gotten him through numerous Decepticon-Autobot clashes. It would get him through the next as well- or so he believed.

Finishing his inspection, he finally noticed the balled up figure of his human charge curled up close to his hip. She was lucky he had not made any sudden movements, otherwise she could have easily been crushed.

The tiny human was desperately squeezing her rucksack, a shudder running up her spine every few kliks. It would have seemed that she had been trying to seek warmth from the natural heat that radiated from the functions of his internal systems. However, that thought seemed irrational with the wince that marred her face with every shudder and the fact that the temperature in the warehouse was actually quite warm. He assumed the girl may have been dreaming, or perhaps she could also feel the same strange anomaly that had woken him.

He observed her silently, his vision flickering for a moment before refocusing. What made this human different?

She had dark brown, almost black tresses that were currently unruly and tangled. If she opened her eyes, they would have revealed the most typical shade of deep brown. She had a pale complexion and was of an average height with a lean build bordering on underweight. The loose clothing that she was wearing only made her slight stature seem even more fragile and insignificant.

Barricade shook his head, ending his rumination. He knew he had to get back on patrol. It was time to wake her. There was no telling when he would be called to battle, and he did not want to be caught neglecting his duties. Leaning down, he reached out a leather gloved hand to shake her.

He froze. It took a nanoklik before he realized that he had unwittingly activated a his holoform. It surprised him for a moment- especially when the girl started stirring, as though she could sense his sudden proximity.

His human projection quickly dissipated and his consciousness was sharply thrown back into his mechanical form just as the femme cracked open her eyes. The Decepticon got onto his pedes quickly but carefully, stepping away from her as she stretched out like a feline and yawned. He glared at her as he watched.

As much as he detested it, he would never admit that she made him act differently. It annoyed and frustrated him to no end. His previous thoughts and uncharacteristically sporadic activation of his holoform only proved it. His thoughts simmered as he waited for her to get up.


A strange feeling made me unwillingly wake up. I sat up slowly, feeling all sorts of sore from sleeping on the hard concrete floor. I felt my neck crick as I got up. The short nap didn't really help as much as I'd hoped. Fudge, I still felt really drained.

I pulled one knee to my chest, leaving my injured foot stretched out. Folding my arms on my knee as a makeshift pillow, I dropped my head on top. I just wanted to grab a few more minutes of rest.

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