The date

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We rode his bike for a hour I thing then we stopped and parked the bike I took of my leather jacket that harry gave me. We walked across a bridge and started to talk.
“Tell me something about yourself that you've never told anyone?”Ben asked me.
“Um… My middle name is Paige.”
“Yeah. Paige. Just my dad doing what he does best. Being really, really evil. Cappy Paige.”
“Mine's Florian.”
“How princely. Oh, that's almost worse.”
“I mean, you know, It's better than Paige. But it's still not” We walked a little more then Ben asked me to close my eyes.“Watch your foot. Yeah. Are you good?”
“Now, step up. There you go. You ready?”
“Open.” I opened my eyes and I was the best set up I have ever seen

“Go on.” Said Ben. We walked down  
I sat down on the blanket and started to eat a jelly donut.
“Is this your first time?”
“Mm... We don't really date much on the island. It's more like... Gang activity.”
“Um, I meant, is this your first time eating a jelly donut?”
“Is it bad?” I said as I licked my fingers. He brought his thumb up and brush some of my lips.
“You got a... Just a... I mean, yeah, do this.”
“Mm-hmm. Gone? You can't take me anywhere, I guess.”
“You know, I've done all the talking. Your turn. I really don't know that much about you.Tell me something.”
“Well, I'm 16. I've only ever lived in one place.”
“Me, too. That... we have so much in common already.”
“No. Trust me, we do not. And now you're gonna be king.”
“A crown doesn't make you a king.”
“Well, it kind of does.”
“No, it... Your mother is mistress of evil and I've got the poster parents for goodness. But we're not automatically like them. We get to choose who we're gonna be. And right now, I can look into your eyes and I can tell you're not evil. I can see it.” For the first time in a very long time someone was looking at me for me not like my dad or my mom but as me Cappy Paige and I loved the look he was giving me. “Let's go for a swim.”
“Hm? What? Uh... Right now?”
“Yeah, right now.” I didn’t want to tell him I could not swim.
“I think I'm just gonna stay here.”
“No, no, no. Come on.”
“I think I'm gonna stay behind and try a strawberry. I've literally never tried a strawberry before. Mm! Mm...” The strawberry was so good.
“Don't eat all of them.”
“Okay. Ooh! Mm.”I saw him on a hill above the water and I yelled at him “Are those little crowns on your shorts”
“Maybe. Whoo! Ha-ha!”

Descendants (Caption Hooks Daughter Cappy Hook) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now