Ben get put under the spell

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The next day I was standing next to Mal at our lockers mal asked me
“Did you find a spell to help us get that wand and get out of here.”
“Yes well kidna.” I pull the cookie out of my locker. “Ben came to our room yesterday and I found out that we all get to go to his coronation and only his girlfriend, his folks and him are aloud upfront so we decide that ben needed to get a new girlfriend.”
Audrey was walking with ben and I heard her say to ben
“I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the coronation, okay?”
“You want to watch and see what happens.” I said to mal
“Bye, Benny Boo.” Audrey said. And then she left. I turned around and shut my locker and said to ben
“Hey, Benny Boo!”
“I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chip, do you want one?”
“Oh, I, uh, I've got a big game. I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so, so much. Thank you. Next time. Next time.”
“No, yeah. I completely understand. "Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains."
“No, no, no.”
“No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that.”
“No, that's not it. No, no, no, I... I really do...”
“No, I get it. You're cautious. That's smart. Oh, well, more for me, I guess.”
“No, no.” He said as he ripped the cookie out of my hand. “Hey... see that? Totally trust you. Totally.”
“How are they?”
“They're good. They're great! They're amazing! They're, uh... I mean, they're chewy and, and you know, they... is that walnuts? I love walnuts. I mean, uh, you know, the... The chocolate... The... the chocolate... The chocolate chips are... I'm sorry. Um... Uh, they're... They're warm and soft. And they're sweet... Cappy, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?”
“How you feeling, bro?”Said Jay
“I feel... I feel... I feel like... Like singing your name. Cappy, Cappy.” Everyone in audoron was at the game and the game was almost over everyone screamed
“Ohay Ohay!” The Announcer said
“This is a nail-biter, folks. There's 47 seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood falcons, two. The fighting knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals.The teams get into their huddles and take up positions along the kill zone. The dragoneers have been laying down a withering hail of fire.And now a substitution. He's bringing that hothead Jay in from the Isle of the Lost and that little guy Carlos can barely hold a shield.” I looked at mal and evie and they just smiled at me. I look back at the game and I made eye contact with ben. The announcer went back to talking
“When they break from their huddles, this is gonna be a big moment here. And the tipoff is ready. Here we go. Long pass goes to Jay. Jay dishes off to prince Ben. Nice little block by Carlos. He does a little dancing jig in his opponent's face. And now Jay gets the ball back.Here comes Jay! Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field.Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben through the kill zone.Big block by Chad! Prince Ben moves over wide, gives it back to Jay. He's in the clear! Shot!Oh, what a save by Philip the Falcons' goalkeeper! 23 seconds left. You could cut the tension with a sword. The long ball is played into Jay. Jay, great jump, great leap. And a great move by Jay. Big block from Chad. Jay dishes off to Prince Ben. And then Carlos with a big block, goes down. Jay through the kill zone, picks up Carlos. Oh, he's being hammered by dragon fire. Still, going on. Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field. He's in the clear. The ball goes back to Jay.He passes to prince Ben. He scores! Prince Ben has won it! What an unselfish play by Jay! What a team! Incredible! And it's the new guys, Jay and Carlos, who set up the prince for the win here. What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever. Here they come, folks. The winners of the first tourn…” He was cut off because ben had grabbed the mic from him and yelled into the mic

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