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"JIMIN!" You tried to chase after him grabbing his arm only to be given the cold shoulder, he's fuming, you try to speak but he just walks away "LISTEN Y/N," he snaps turning around to face you finally you see the anger and hurt in his eyes, Your actions finally hit you and he screams at you.

MONDAY 5:00 am
You 'rest' Your eyes as New bores on with his rules, rules, and more rules, You mindlessly nod along trying to follow, "Oh and NO dating is written in bold, with the recent drama surrounding the school we don't need you to be seen as here just for the boys but for academics," he must have finally spotted Your dozy state because the next thing You know the scent of coffee fills the room and you raise your head to see New standing with a coffee along with a slice of banana bread. "I know you're tired but it's really important we go over this," he sits across from you as you grab the coffee from him, drinking a bit of it you nod "But why did we have to get up at five in the morning?" You rest your head on a hand peering over at him and he sighs.

"The news gets dropped at ten today at the school-wide assembly, we still have so much to do before that, now sit up please, slumping isn't good," You reluctantly straighten up taking a bite out of the banana bread. You aren't very hungry though as your brother comes to mind, It will kill him when he finds out or he'll kill you, either way, you're gonna be the bad guy. At the moment It didn't feel wrong it felt like you were in the right but now you can feel a ping of horrible guilt hit you like a car.

"Are you okay Y/n?" New notices your demeanor change and checks up on you, you stay silent.

"Hey, New-" someone enters the room abruptly before stopping and looking at you confusion on his face. You snap out of your thoughts eyes widening and you nervously begin to tap your foot giving a shy smile.

"Eric! Can't you read the room is off limits," New groans grabbing him by the arm and leading him out of the room shutting the door not that that stops you from listening to what they say through the thin walls; you can hear the two almost shouting?

"Who is that? Why are they at our school? What's going on? Did you sneak her in, oh my god did you Mr. class president sneak someone into our school? How did you do it?" Eric questions as you overhear tapping your foot concentrating on the door.

"Eric you can't say anything, I didn't sneak her in that would be irresponsible not to mention impossible with the security around the school and cameras," New explains taking in a big sigh trying to calm down.

"Okay, then what's going on? Oh and what's her name she's cute," you smile to yourself catching his compliment while New just sounds annoyed.

"She's the newest addition to the school and OFF LIMITS; she's not allowed to date anyone attending the school," New emphasizes his words making sure Eric knows his place as you let out a heavy sigh pouting.

"Since when is this a co-ed school? And lameeeeee," Eric extends the e for a few seconds before New pulls him back in the room.

"Hey! I've got work to do!" He argues trying to leave before New lets out a frustrated sigh not letting go of him.

"Look you're the one that chose to walk into a room labeled NO ENTERING, so before you go telling everyone about Y/n stay in here at least until after the assembly," New lectures fast clearly this whole situation has him stressed out and he's under a lot as he finally lets go of Eric.

"Sit. I still have a few more rules to go over." New picks up his papers as Eric crosses his arms pouting. you let out a long groan sitting back in your chair.

"Okay stop acting like children, both of you I'm just doing my job. I get enough hate from Sunwoo I don't need you both ganging up on me right now," he pleads and you can see the tiredness on his face, the way he can barely keep his eyes open and him just trying not to pass out.

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙢𝙖 // Kev.mnWhere stories live. Discover now