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"You think this is some funny joke? Hahaha I got into an all boys school. If you think that there's even a slim chance of you being able to stay here you should think twice. Y/N, you should feel ashamed that you did this." Principle Yang goes on and on and you patiently wait for him to finish scolding you for something that wasn't even your fault.

"Sir with all due respect I would like to explain my side of what happened." he just stares at you angilly before crossing his arms.

"Call your father I want to talk with him," he demands and you let out a small sigh before looking him in the eyes.

"I can't call him..." you try to explain and he rolls his eyes.

"You're being ridiculous and wasting my time call him NOW." Principle Yang bangs his fist against his desk and you take a deep breath closing your eyes.

"I'm sorry but that's impossible for me to do. He's dead." you say it bluntly and silence fills the room. You look down at your hands neatly folded in your lap and just wait for him to say something else.

"Well what about your guardian?" he says in a softer voice as if talking to a child and you look back up.

"My Mother was passed out on our couch unfit to do anything concerning her children. Now can I please explain what happened." you don't let him answer and go on with an explanation of that day.

"I was trying to apply to a music school, my BROTHER was trying to apply here. We accidentally ran into each other and sent off the wrong application to the wrong school. Blah blah blah now I'm here." you finish and The principle thinks you can see the wheels turning and his face processing.

"Congratulations on joining our program," he holds out a hand for you to shake and you give him a confused look. You came here in hopes he would fix this and you could go to the correct school but he's saying to opposite.

"I'm sorry sir, What?" you stare at his hand as if it's some sort of contract selling your soul to the devil.

"Think of this as a trial. We've been planning on expanding our school into two branches, girls and guys you won't be allowed to live on campus like the others for obvious reasons but you may attend and get all the perks that come with the program, You should give monthly reports on how you're doing and what treatment is like," you just kind off look like he spoke some different language and try to process his words in confusion.

"Sir I don't think-" you are about to refuse the offer and tell him you can't do it.

"Fully paid, meals, The best teachers, anything you could ever need," you think of the empty fridge and how hungry you've been, how you could probably sneak some food for Jimin, how you could get away from your mother for the most part and without thinking Shake his hand sealing the fate of you and your brother...

"You start Monday morning." and with that you're rushed out of the room now how do you explain it to Jimin.

You rush home and as soon as you're outside of the old house with the paint chipping off you stop as shouts come from inside and You know its your brother and Mom.

"WHY CAN'T YOU BE LIKE YOUR SISTER? WHAT DO YOU DO HERE? DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE THIS HOUSE." the Muffled voice of your mom reaches your ears and you hesitate listening.

"AT LEAST I'M NOT LIKE YOU AND SIT AROUND DOING NOTHING AND THEN COMPLAINING THAT THERE'S NOTHING TO EAT!" Jimin opens the door and sees your face and grabs your arm pulling you away from the house just as your mom appears at the door.

"Y/N..." she calls out and you turn to her, she has tears running down her face and she falls to her knees.

"Don't leave me, Y/N!" she shouts as your brother tugs at your arm. You look between the two of them and don't know what to do. Your heart tells you to stay with your crying mother but your brain says to follow your brother. In the end you follow your brother but the guilt in your heart makes your eyes well up and Jimin looks at you.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that, how about we go eat?" Jimin offers and you shake your head.

"With what money Jimin? We used all of it to pay the electricity bill." you point out and Jimin wipes away your tears with the sleeve of his hoodie giving you a smile in an attempt to help cheer you up.

"I didn't say at a restaurant, lets go to my friend Yoongi's"  He slings an arm over your shoulder and starts to walk with you.

"Who is yoongi?" You ask your brother having never heard of this person before and Jimin just sort of avoids the question by pointing out a nearby tree.

"What do you want?" This Yoongi guy rubs his eyes and has messy hair as he checks the time on his phone yawning.

"Nice to see you too," Jimin rolls his eyes before stepping past Yoongi and into his apartment (Like a true Kimmy would do).

"Who is the girl?" Yoongi looks at you and Jimin just calls back from what you assume is Yoongi's kitchen.

"MY SISTER, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT YOONGI," Jimin shouts and Yoongi steps to the side letting you inside.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT?" Jimin calls out to you and you appear in the kitchen.

"Jimin, we can't just eat his food," You whisper but Yoongi hears you.

"I honestly don't care," He yawns and goes into his living room laying down on the couch and closing his eyes.

"What do you want?" Jimin asks once again a you pick up a thing of instant ramen.

"This," you hand to him and he looks at it nodding.

"Why? We usually have this, don't you want something like... this?" He holds up an orange and you look at it confused.

"Fruit? Why eat fruit when you can eat ramen and get fat," You joke and he rolls his eyes starting the ramen making and you go to bug Yoongi.

"Hey Yoongi, Do you live alone?" you ask and he opens one eye glaring at you just wanting to sleep in peace.

"No I have roommates. Do you have friends?" he asks and you nod smilings.

"I'm surprised," Yoongi laughs and you glare picking up a pillow and hitting him with it.

"Y/N stop fighting Yoongi," Jimin calls out and you let out a huff crossing your arms and sitting down in a nearby chair.

"Hey Y/N, how did the meeting go?" Jimin peaks over looking at you with a smile and you just give him a thumbs up avoiding his gaze. ❤❤❤




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tHaT duAlITy tHooOOooOOo

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tHaT duAlITy tHooOOooOOo


Word count: 1,230

𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙢𝙢𝙖 // Kev.mnWhere stories live. Discover now