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One month later.

Max awoke to movement.

Her sleepy eyes peeked open to the feel of her bed shaking, a loud buzzing splitting through the silent air.

She glanced at the clock by her bed: 5:04 AM.

Her hands reached for her phone, and she tried sitting up but fuck she was still drunk from last night, and fuck she was fuming at whoever had dared to call her this late.

She squinted at the screen, her sleepy eyes unable to make anything out. Too bright, she thought. And still too fucking drunk.

Max said a silent fuck you to Lexie for forcing her out last night. She knew it was never going to be just one drink.

She swiped aimlessly at the screen, too tired and too fuzzy to bother to check the caller.

Max didn't even get to say a word before she heard it. Heard him.


She nearly choked.


"Maxie it's you!"

She sighed.

"It's me."

Max didn't mean to sound so blunt. She really didn't.

It's just that she was tired.

"Maxie I missss yooooou!"

He was shouting. He was drunk.

Max could hear the sound of a party buzzing through the phone. She could make out the low thud of a bassline and slurring voices and an echo of female laughter that really did nothing but irritate her right then. Nothing but make her want to shout at him down the phone for no other reason than he was waking her up too fucking early and that he was having too much fucking fun without her and that she was still just too fucking drunk.

She wasn't jealous.


Just tired.

"I miss you too, Harry."

He laughed, "You do?"

"Yes, I miss you."

Because of course she did.

Because it was all she did.

She could hear him laughing again.

"Maxie I-"

But suddenly the call ended.

There was a hostile beep beep, before a silence. A nothing.

She lifted the phone from her ear, staring at it, silently hoping that he might call again, but the screen stayed blank.

Short chaptah so new 1 soon my lovlies xx

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