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One day later. 

When Max woke the next morning Harry was still asleep. His head was on her chest, as it always was, and his arms were clinging to her body like vines of ivy, like they had always been there. 

She sighed as she ran her hands through his hair. Why was it that when it was just them everything was so simple? When it was just the two of them like this, or tucked away on her balcony or folded together like this in bed - why did everything make sense? 

And why, as soon as the bubble burst and the outside world forced its way in - why did everything break? 

It was like they could exist only in secret, could love only in the dark places, only when it was just the two of them.

Max sighed again, her sleepy eyes softening as Harry adjusted his head in his sleep. His face looked so soft, the edges all rounded in the hazy morning light. His eyelashes were resting on his cheeks and his lips were turned upwards in a smile. 

She loved him. Thought that if there was no cure for reality, then at least there was her and there was his love. It was all she was thinking as she fell asleep again. 

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