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"That's new."

Max turned around to look at him as she finished pouring herself and Harry a second glass of red wine.

"What's new?"

She slid his glass over the counter back to him, and he grabbed her arm, gently twisting it so the back of it was facing upwards.

His touch was light now, soft. The heated grabbing and rubbing and pulling from earlier long gone, and Max struggled to comprehend how the Harry she had just finished fucking only minutes ago was the same as the Harry who was skimming over her arm with this face of curiosity and cuteness and ugh. Ugh. 

"This," his index finger flickered over the relatively fresh black lines that decorated a small patch of skin above her elbow. She couldn't help but relish the touch of his feather soft fingertips against her skin, couldn't help but lean into it just slightly, just enough to hear his breath.

"Rory did it a few weeks ago," she managed once he'd taken his hand away. "I was getting bored."

"I like it," he grinned, taking another sip of his wine as he leaned back on the bar stool. "I've got a list on my phone of what I want done next. I'm telling you, Maxie, you're the only ones I trust."

"Are you trying to tell me that you didn't get a single tattoo while you were away?" Max couldn't help how smug she felt.

"Nope. No one's as good as you lot at the shop."

Max lifted her glass to that, smiling as she took another sip, eyes locked on his. Max realised she'd forgotten just how green they were, so bright against his long chocolate hair that was falling floppy and sweaty in front of them. She found herself biting her lip into her mouth as she silently appraised him sitting there, looking every bit the sexy rockstar punk that she was promised from the articles and the Instagrams and the rumours.

He was sitting there barefoot and topless, which was, of course, nothing new- she'd learned very early on that Harry wasn't a fan of clothing, and she found herself stuck watching his ring clad fingers as they started rolling a cigarette.

Slow, Max thought. He moved so fucking slow.

"Want one, Maxie?" He asked as he lifted the paper to his lips, licking the top before rolling it up.

Max just nodded, blinking to stop herself from staring too long. Although, she had sort of decided she had a right to, she hadn't seen the boy for four months and, well, just look at him for gods sake. He was fucking delicious.

"You should take a picture, you know, it'll last longer."

"Shut up, Harry."

"Make me."

Max's breath hitched in her throat, heart skipped a beat in her chest as his eyes lowered. As he downed the rest of his wine. As he bit his lip and pulled her closer by the bottom of her t-shirt- his t-shirt.

A slow sort of purr elicited from his mouth as he stood from the bar stool, nesting between her legs, forehead against forehead and lips against lips. She slowly wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her, body on fire as she leaned forwards, kissing slowly, softly up his neck.

"Max," he breathed, "Maxie."

The way Harry said her name made her want to scream.

Maxie, he called her.


No one had ever really called her that before. No one had ever said her name and made it sound quite so exquisite in her life. Not ever. But then again, Max supposed, she had never met anyone quite like Harry Styles, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise that it just took a simple word, a simple breath, a simple Maxie, to make her feel like her insides were about to explode.

Say it again, she wanted to whisper. Wanted to hear her name drip off his lips onto, into hers while they kissed. She wanted him to speak the word into her memory, carving the letters out with something more substantial than a kiss goodbye and an 'I'll text you', so that it might stay there forever. So that when he was away, for four months, for a week, for a year; she might remember the way he said her name. The way his lips curled around the letters, humming the M and whispering the X; sounding an endless Maxie in the air, an exhale she could feel deep inside her bones that she could keep with her for always, just so that she never forgot.


As if he was reading her mind, he purred again. His gravelly voice hooked over the word, her name, his name, making her shiver, before he lifted her from her seat, put her over his shoulder, and carried her back into the bedroom.

EEK. New update coming soon x

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