Chapter 6

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The next day, I woke up peacefully for once but I wasn't able to go back to sleep. I actually got my sleep which was surprising because I never get my sleep. It felt unusual to wake up without the sounds of my parents arguing or even hearing their voices. I went to the washroom quietly, trying not to make any noise, did my thing and came out.

As I was getting ready to brush my teeth, I realized that I didn't have my toothbrush and toothpaste which wasn't good because I needed it. I love how my teeth don't show my fangs until I want it to come out. In fact, I kept practising that in the mirror because it looked really cool. I had an idea of sneaking out to my house and get my things but I knew if I did, Matthew would find out somehow. So I tip-toed to the doors and put my running shoes on before I left. When I looked back, he was still sleeping on the couch. Meanwhile, I ran to my home quickly to get my things. My house wasn't far away luckily so it was easy to get back to my house. The sun was just rising and it was a mixed blue with yellow shining through my face. I went inside, got my backpack for school and a big bag to fill in all the things I needed. It felt disturbing to be packing while my 'parent's' dead bodies started to rot on the floor but it also felt satisfying to know that the people that have caused me the most stress, are dead. 

I got some of my clothes, my phone and charger, makeup, and my wallet. I went to my "parents" room to see if there was anything I could use there. I saw this particular necklace that was on the mocha table in one of the drawers. It has a red ruby stone with a gold border and a gold change. It looked familiar and as I gather my thoughts, I realized that it was my necklace from when I was younger. All this time, my fake parents kept it with them and now that I'm starting to remember why I remember, it makes me hate them even more. I was starting to wonder why they even kept it away from me in the first place. 

It was a special necklace my real mother gave to me when I was little and I remembered small hints about it. I still couldn't recognize how she really looked like but her words were still there. 

"Always wear it because it's like a lucky charm, it gives you power." My mom would say when she gave me the necklace. If only I had this necklace all this time. I kept the necklace in my pocket and started searching for other things. There was some cash and even some gold that I could use to sell it if I needed extra money. 

I went to the washroom, brushed my teeth like I wanted to do and put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my bag. I continued to do that for a while and collected many things until my bag started to get really full.

When I went downstairs, I looked around, noticing that those werewolfs weren't there anymore. What the fuck? Was someone in the house? I looked around carefully, trying to see if there was anyone but there was no sign of anyone. That's weird, how could they have left like that? Why didn't I bother to notice before? I saw the blood flowing throughout the room but there was no sign of them.  Hopefully they won't come back, whoever took them. I went to the kitchen and packed 2-3 sandwiches just in case I don't come back to my own house again. I got my keychain and then left, locking the door and instead of going back to Matthew's house, I decided to go to the park. I crossed the street and then let myself relax.

The breeze was a wonderful feeling as it blew my hair across my face and making me feel cool and refreshed. It was windy in this early morning of the fall. I went on the swing, admiring the sunrise. The sun wasn't all the way up but it was amazing, just looking at the view. The sun was surrounded by the colour of the sea and the clouds of fluff. As I swung, I kept going higher and higher letting out all the worries and trouble out for a while.

It felt nice to be alone and I stayed there for a long while. I didn't bother to care for the time and I watched the sky as the sunrise rose and rose each minute. The area was neighbourly with alot of large houses everywhere but infront of the park was a beautiful naturey view. I stayed for a while until I saw someone rushing twoards me. It was Matthew.

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