Chapter 9

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A/N-Hey everyone! Today's chapter is a bit shorter than the others, but I hope you still enjoy it!!

When you entered the room, Newt quickly rushed in front of you and placed his case down on the rug that covered the cold floor of your living area. 

It was still dark out, you noticed, and you wondered for a minute if you were going to get any sleep at all, but didn't really care regardless. 

Your mother was right, and you were completely in awe of this new world you'd discovered that you couldn't sleep or rest or think about anything other than this magic. 
This magic that Newt brought you. 

For some reason, he didn't leave your thoughts either.

You heard his brown case click open, and watched as he started to put his foot inside of it. 

Your eyes widened. "What are you doing!?" You shouted.

You startled Newt and he stuttered, "Oh.  The place I-I want to show you is... Well, it's in here."

Of course.  You thought. A magic case. 

His body was halfway in the case already and all you could do was watch. 

"It's fine, really." He assured you as he ducked his head into the case and disappeared. 

You walked over to the case, which was still sitting on the yellow and grey carpet, and looked down into it. 

As you stepped down into the case and climbed down the wooden ladder, you looked around the room you found yourself in, and noticed it looked like a small workshop because of all of the books and containers and clutter everywhere. 

The wooden floors were partially covered with more stacks of books and pieces of paper.  You saw Newt holding and talking to something that looked like a small tree in the corner of the room.

"What's that?" You asked, slowly moving closer. 

"This is Pickett."  He said. "He's a bowtruckle." 
You continued to walk closer until you stood next to Newt and the bowtruckle. 

"Well, hello Pickett."  You said, smiling.  You were completely in awe of everything. "You wizards really are lucky."

Newt frowned and said, "Not quite. See, most wizards want to get rid of bowtruckles entirely. They live in trees that are used for wand-making. They get protective of their homes and don't like when most people get close, so they attack, and most wizards find it too much of a pain."

"So they want to just get rid of them? All because they're just trying to protect themselves?" You asked.

"Exactly." Newt said.

That's ridiculous. You thought. "Well, that's very foolish and I disagree with that strongly."

You said to Newt.  You couldn't understand why people never saw the beauty and magic in things, especially now, when you knew it was real. 

He smiled at that. "I'm glad you think so."

"I've never met anyone like you Newt..." You confessed.
"And I've never met anyone like you, either Pickett." Laughing and looking at the bowtruckle, you saw that he was very tree-like and beautiful.  The bowtruckle let out a noise that sounded like a sneeze.

"Bless you."  Newt said.  He looked your way, without his eyes meeting yours. "He has a cold." Newt explained.  "I have to give him some medication."

You watched intently as Newt attempted to
"Would you like to meet the others?"

"There are others? Like him?" You asked, shocked.

Newt nodded and said, "There are. Would you like to see them?"

"Of course I would!"

A/N-Well, that's all for today! Thanks for reading and for your support♥️

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