Chapter 8

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A/N-Hello everyone! Today I bring you chapter 8 of We Found Love!
In this part of the story this is a made up character not from FBAWTFT and it does go away from the original story line of the movie a bit! But, I hope you still love it! Enjoy!

"Newt, you need to hide." You told him as you heard Kallan walk down the stairs.

He nodded, quickly picking up his case and putting Popsey in his coat pouch before he ran into the janitor's closet on the wall furthest away from the staircase.

"Kallan?" You asked, watching the man you tried not to fear walk down the stairs and approach you.

His voice was raspy and rough as he spoke, and he was more beefy and barrel-chested than the last time you'd seen him.

"What the hell are you doing out of your room this late? Don't you know how late it is?" He growled. "All I can hear is your racket."


He cut you off.

"Unless, you need something?" You didn't like the way he looked at you when he said that and his tone made you feel uncomfortable.

"N-no. I was just heading upstairs to my room." You said, starting to walk past him.

He grabbed your arm, and you gasped.

Startled now, and filled with fear, you heard a door open behind you and turned around to find Newt, now out of the closet, standing with the wand in his hand.

"Stupefy!" He shouted, pointing his wand at Kallan.

Kallan looked stunned as he dropped to the floor, letting go of your arm, and passed out on the ground in front of you.

You stood there, shocked by what you'd just seen.

"How-how did you?" You were almost entirely at a loss for words.
This-Newt could tell.

Gently and without making eye-contact, he said, "I used a spell. I was only trying to protect you. I heard what was going on in the closet and-and I didn't want him to hurt you."

He used a spell? You thought.

Then, as you looked down at your bracelet, you remembered what your mother said to you.
There is magic in this world. Real magic.
She used to talk of fairies and elves and wizards and-

"Wait! You're a wizard, aren't you?" You asked suddenly, finally understanding. "And-and that niffler! He's magic too, isn't he?"

You grew more excited. "And that stick your holding, it's a wand!" You laughed, thrilled to your core.

I wonder what else there is. I can't believe I didn't realize before. How blind I was... You thought to yourself. At what my mother wanted me to see.

Newt nodded, seeing that you finally understood, and said, "Yes. That's true."

Popsey peeked his head out from the inside of Newt's coat, and it looked like he was smiling at you.

"And you," You started, looking at Popsey, "Reminded me of something my mother always said."

He looked up at Newt, expecting praise, and Newt smiled back at him while asking you, "What's that?"

"Before my mother passed away, she gave me this bracelet."

You said, holding it for Newt to see. It was just as bright as the day you got it.

"She told me-she said that there was magic in this world. Things that I didn't know about."

You smiled. "I suppose she was right after all."

Newt's eyes widened when he saw the bracelet.

He stepped over Kallan's large, still body to examine the bracelet from a closer angles.

"Your mother had this?" He asked. "Did she tell you about it?" You paused.

"Well, she said that each of these things," you pointed at the charms, "resembles some sort of attributes, like kindness and intelligence."

This all hit Newt at once.

Her last name. He thought.

The (Y/L/N)'s were well known at Hogwarts, and were a large family of very accomplished wizards and witches.

"(Y/F/N), what do know about your family?" Newt asked.

"To be honest, not much." You said, sadly. "They never revealed much of their past. Why?"

Kallan made a noise, as though he was starting to wake up, and Newt held out his wand again, preparing to cast another spell.

"Obliviate." He said, pointing the wand at Kallan.
"We should go." The wizard said, putting his wand back in his coat pocket.

"Okay. But, what did that do?" You asked.

"It's a spell that can erase someone's memories of magic. When he wakes up, he won't remember anything that's happened." Newt said.

"Oh. So, he won't remember you either?" You asked.

"No, not a thing."

"Well, it's a shame he won't remember meeting someone like you." You said, smiling.

At first, you didn't realize what you'd said was said out loud. And, when you did, both of your faces turned a light red.

"Well, we should get going." You said, changing the subject. "Where to?"

"I have just the place." Newt said. "But first, could we go to your room?"

You nodded, and held the grey railing as you led him back up the stairs to your apartment room.

I wonder what he wants to show me...

A/N-Hello again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter (even though it was kind of bad)! And if you did, feel free to comment and/or vote for this chapter! Thanks so much💕

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