Chapter 12

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A/N-Chapter 12 is finally here! Enjoy!

The day wasn't busy, but the hours still managed to fly by.

You and Newt didn't want the day to end, so after you closed up the shop, you brought Newt to the rooftop of your apartment building for a surprise.

The rooftop was a beautiful sight with an incredible view of the city.  But, the picnic setting, you thought, was even more beautiful.

A large grey blanket covered the cement of the rooftop and was topped with more blankets, pillows, and of course, Popsey and Pickett. 

They were in on the surprise as well, you told Newt. 

"(N/F/N), this is beautiful." Newt said.

"I've always wanted to do this." You confessed.
"Just have a peaceful picnic on the rooftop."

The two of you sat down on the blankets and you held Popsey when he moved into your lap and up on your arms. 

Popsey touched the bracelet on your arm with his small claws and you laughed.

"No, I don't think we're going to do that again." You said to him, raising an eyebrow.

Somehow though, Popsey managed to get the jewelry unhooked and off of your wrist. He jumped out of your arms and took off behind you.

"Wait!" You said, looking back at him. 

You and Newt moved toward Popsey in opposite directions, causing the two of you to collide.

Your body fell on his when you reached forward to grab Popsey.

Your arms were the only thing holding you up and preventing you from touching Newt face. 

Newt stared at your lips, his face a shade of pink and hair slightly disheveled.

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry I-" You stuttered, slowly moving your body off of his.  You sat on your legs and Newt sat up to meet your eye level.

"Are-are you alright?" You asked him. His lips parted slightly, and he was still looking at your lips. "Newt?"

"Y-yes?" He asked. "(Y/F/N), is-would it be ok if I-"

You heard another noise and brought your attention to where it was coming from. 

Popsey was sitting calmly a few feet in front of you with the bracelet.

You wanted this to happen, didn't you Popsey?
You thought, looking at him.

Newt slowly got up and took the bracelet from the niffler and gave it back to you.

"H-here you go, (Y/F/N)." It was evident that Newt was thinking the same thing as you.  

"Thank you." You said. "I-I should get some snacks. I think I forgot them on the kitchen table. I'll be right back."

You went to the staircase that led to the highest floor of your apartment and quickly found the elevator.


You pressed the down arrow button and soon after it lit up, the elevator door opened.

In the elevator was a man you didn't recognize.

He was wearing a suit, and he had light grey hair though he looked young. 

You stepped into the elevator, avoiding eye-contact.

"Hello. Nice to meet you." He said as the doors closed. Tapping the number 3 button with his knuckles, he asked, "You live on the third floor, correct?"

How would you know that
"Um, yes-yes I do." You said, puzzled. "But how did you-"

He cut you off as he said, "Forgive me. I understand how that may have scared you. My name is Gennady, and I believe that you have something that is mine."

"I'm not so sure I do. I don't even know who you are." You said, backing up a step.

"Well," the man started, "What do you know about magical creatures?" The man asked.

You froze. What did he just say?

"E-Excuse me?" you asked, backing up again. "Can you repeat that?"

"Magical creatures."  He said again, this time stepping closer. "Maybe, say, nifflers?"

"What?" You questioned, playing dumb. "What do you mean?" You noticed that tucked deeply in the side of his suit was a wand. He's a wizard, too. You thought in a whisper.

Gennady looked at you with somewhat cold eyes. 

"Alright then. You won't admit anything. I understand." He said.

Gennady grabbed you, and waving his wand, said a spell you hadn't heard of.

You tried to scream as the world seemed to cave in on you when your vision went blurry and as the world went black...

A/N-Hey everyone! Sorry for the kind of abrupt ending, wanted to make it suspenseful! Also, if you liked this chapter be sure to comment and let me know/ give me suggestions / and tap the star to vote!! Thank you all ❤️

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