chapter 7

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When I woke up the next morning I felt happy for, some odd reason. I even woke up before my alarm, and I usually hate doing that but this morning it didnt bother me. I got ready with a smile on my face, walked down the stairs with a small kick in my step, and my normal breakfast tasted a little better.

After I finished eating my mom and dad walked in. Good morning Eve mom kissed my head and went to pour a cup of coffee for my father and herself. Is Damon picking you up for school this morning? Dad ruffled my hair before walking over to mom and kissing her check. Yes dad, he said he would be here around 7 Oclock.

Dad looked down at his watch before looking at me, Honey its 6:58, you might want to go put your shoes on and grab a coat, in case you get chilly in school. I jumped up off my seat before kissing both on their checks and telling them to have a good day, and that I would see them later. I walked to the shoe closet and picked out my white converse, before walking to the front door and grabbing a small coat, just in time to see Damon pulling into my drive way. Bye mom, bye dad, Damon is here. I yelled out to them before opening the front door and walking towards Damons truck.

Good morning beautiful Damon told me before starting his truck and slowly backing out the drive. I buckled my seat belt, replying with a good morning as well. Hey Eve, my grandmother had stopped by my place last night and brought some chocolate cake with her, I packed me and you a slice for lunch today. I smiled brightly before leaning over his console kissing his check, and telling him thank you.

We got to school a little while later, Damon quickly finding a parking spot near the front. Dont get out yet! He jumped out of the truck while I sat there confused until I saw him jog over to my door, opening it up for me with a little bow. I giggled at him thank you Damon, but you didnt have to do that. I jumped down onto the pavement, and turn to face him. Now Eve, I am a gentlemen and what kind of gentlemen doesnt open a door for a pretty lady. He closed and locked the doors before taking my hand and leading me to the schools front entrance. I guess you are correct there Damon, but just know I do not expect you to open doors for me everywhere we go. He once again sped up his walk so he could hold open the school doors for me.


Later that day during my free period I sat in the back of the library to finish up some worksheets that I had been given in class, when I hear a sniffle coming from behind the bookshelf beside the table I was currently occupying. I quietly stood up and walked around the shelf to see a girl, sitting with her back pressed up against the shelf and her head buried in her arms, that had been folded on her legs.

Ex..excuse me, are al..alright? The girl jumped up, clearly startled, have not realized I have walked up. No I am not alright my boyfriend, of two years, cheated on me. Oh, my goodness this poor girl! If..if he ch,,cheated then h..he doesnt deserve I sat down beside her and put my hand on her shoulder. Just because its going to hurt like hell, dont mean you arent supposed to do it. Sometimes you got to go through the hurt and the pain to get away from someone that arent treating you right. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, and the tip of her nose red. Thats beautiful, where did you get it from? she wiped her eyes and her nose with her sleeve. I dont know to be honest with you, I heard it ounce before, and Ive always remembered it. I reached into my bag and pulled out a small tissue and handed it to her. My names Mollie, and I think you and I are going to be great friends. She smiled and held out her hand, Im Eveleigh, but my friends call me Eve, and Id love to be yours. I grabbed her hand a softly shook it, right before the bell rang signaling the end of my free period.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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