Part 6

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Damon is suddenly on top of Ryan throwing punches left and right while I stand there with eyes wider than the moon. "Damon! Damon, stop! Your hurting him!" I yell trying to pull on Damon's arm, I finally get his attention and he jerks his head around to me. As he stands up he picks me up in a big hug and all of a sudden has a huge smile on his face. "Oh how I've missed you my dear Eve!" He kisses my check lightly while grinning. I giggle and shake my head at him "Damon I swear your bipolar." Then I remembered how he has ditched me for the past couple of days. "Damon let me go, you have a lot of explaining to do Mr." I point up at him and put on my grumpy face. "Oh Eve I'm so sorry about that I wanted to tell you, but I don't have your phone number and couldn't text you. I had caught a little stomach bug from that rain we had the other day."

With that I put my grumpy face away and start acting like a worried mother asking her child if they are ok. "Oh goodness Damon are you alright? Do you feel dizzy, nauseated, or light headed! Do you need to sit down, there's chairs right over there?" I reach up and put my hand on his forehead, not before have to stand on my toes. He then has the audacity to start laughing at me. "Eve yes I'm fine I promise I'm all better now, and look at who's the bipolar one now hm" He says chuckling. I look up and roll my eyes before turning and walking away "Come on we will be late for first period if we do not head there now.
For the rest of the day Damon walked me to all my classes letting everyone know he was back and I was still under what he liked to call 'his special princess protection'. By the end of the day we are ounce again the talk of the school thanks to Damon's little fight this morning. He didn't even get in trouble it's like it never happened, other than the students gossip about it, oh and Ryan bruised face.

"Hey princess, need a ride home today?" Damon points over to his 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD High Country Dually, yes I know my cars well trucks in this case. "Yes please, and thank you."


"I officially love your truck!" I tell Damon jumping down on my driveway. I can hear him chuckling from behind me, "Hey Damon wanna come in, you can meet my mom, she got off of work early today?" He looks and me nodding his head before reaching out and grabbing my hand and letting me lead him onto the front porch. I open the door yelling out telling mom I'm home and have a guest. "Hi honey how was school? Oh who's this handsome man?" I smile and look at Damon "It was uneventful, mom this is Damon, Damon this is my mom, Tara." Damon looks up at my mother before offering her his hand "Hello you have a beautiful home, and a wonderful daughter." Mom smiles at that before shaking his hand and giving me a small wink. "Please call me Tara, I'm sorry my husband isn't here they had a little problem at work so he had to stay a tad bit longer than usual."


I would never have even thought about bringing a boy home one day. I thought I'd die with like a kazillion dogs and have no friends. It's depressing but it's life, sadly. My mom and Damon are getting along wonderfully, there making jokes with each other and she had even invited him to stay for dinner, he sadly said he had to go soon. So here I am at the front door hugging Damon goodbye one last time before he leaves.

"Goodnight Eve, I'll pick you up and take you to school tomorrow ok?" I have him a small smile and a nod leaning up and giving him a kiss on the check before he turns and walks away yelling out "I'll be here at 7 o'clock on the dot, maybe, I might be a little lazy in the morning so probably 7:05." I laugh out loud and shut the door as he gets in his truck and drives away.

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