Chapter 2

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"H..hello, Mrs.Padford" I greet walking into the secretary's office. "Oh my aren't you a beautiful young lady." "Thank Mrs.P..padford. I'm new here, my names Eveleigh b..but you can call me Eve." "Well hello Eve, here is your schedule, if you need anything, anything at all you came straight to me." She said handing me a piece of paper. "T..thank you,b..bye." I said turning and waking out the door.
Locker #-319

First period-Math:

Second period - LanguageArts:

Third period- Chemistry: Mr.Mike

Fourth period-
Free period

Fifth period-

Sixth period-

Seventh period-
Creative writing:Honors: Mrs.Needham

Eighth period- AP Biology:
Ok seems easy enough, I already finished science and social studies in grades 9,10,11. So my senior year should be fairly easy and simple. Now on to find my locker. I walk down the halls passing locker numbers 300, 301,302.. ok almost there. Ah here it is, I open my locker and some dudes leather jacket is just laying there..I look at the locker number again then at my sheet. Yep 319 is my locker, I'll just set there jacket on to-
"HEY!" Someone yells cutting off me train of thoughts. "Y..yes?" I turn around looking up at this giant, ok maybe he's not a giant but I'm short ok. "Who do you think you are?" He says looking at me "W..well I'm, my n..names E..Eve" I wave shyly "well what are you doing touching my fucking jacket, hmm!" I flinch back at the word "o..oh I'm s..sorry it was my locker, and can please n..not say that w..word again." I look down at my shoes blushing. " No I won't you stuttering little bit-" "HEY BACK OFF RYAN." I jerk my head to the side to see an even taller dude covered in muscles and tattoos walking towards us. It's kind of funny I guess because when Ryan sees who it is he takes off running in the opposite direction. I giggle a little at his fast retreating figure. "Hi princess, I'm Damon Kingston , who might you be?" He said smiling down at me " i' E..Eveleigh Grace, b..but you can call Eve." "Well hi Eve, I've never seen you here so I'm gonna take a hint and say your new, right?" "Y..yep" I said looking down blushing "Here come on I'll walk you to class, let me see your schedule" Damon said kindly reaching out to grab my schedule. "S..sure" I hand it over and he smiles really big handing it back "Well princess we have every single lesson together,come on math is this way." "Th..thank you" I said following him " Hey princess?" Damon said "y..yea" "don't worry I'll protect you from Ryan and all the others." He said smiling down at me " Really, don't have to." Dang my cheeks are probably tomato red "It's ok I want to, I like you" He said throwing his arm around my shoulder and leading into a class room.

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