The End!

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Okayyyyyyyy! Finally our beautiful journey comes to an end!
Yes this Poetry book has now come to an end.
Wow I have to admit I really had an amazing time with you all, although writing these poems I had a really really really tough time! I mean I really didn't even think that I would publish my poems someday I honestly just wanted to get the dark thoughts of mine out on a paper as they were eating me inside, but well here we are now.
Anyway I want to thank you all genuinely for what you have given me this amazing support and love!
God! You all are just amazing, I mean this book literally crossed 3.14K views in exactly 3 months! That's crazy! I am so so so grateful to all of you and so glad that you all enjoyed it!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every person out there who voted, commented and read this book. Thank you, you all have made this book what it is today!
And as a token of appreciation I also wanted to give some special people shoutouts!
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