I want...but

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I want to tell you the truth,

But they don't want me to.

I want to tell how I feel,

But they don't think I should.

I want to tell you everything,

But doing so is against them, my parents.

I want to tell you "yes",

But how can I now?

I want you to know me again,

But how do I do that?

I want you to understand me,

but how do I do that without going against my parents wishes?

I want to show you how I missed you,

But it wouldn't be right not after that kind of fight.

I want it to be just me and you,

But that's not good grammar.

I want you to hold me,

But it's against the Law, God's and my Mom's.

I want all of what we had before,

But how can I?

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