The Boy I Knew

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The Boy I Knew,

The boy I knew moved away replaced with this replica I can not name.

He speaks with the same voice, but I'm afraid to listen.

He walks with a slouch that just doesn't seem right.

He looks at me only because I'm the only one he knew.

He doesn't know that I'm just a replica of the girl I was.

He's too tired to notice the way I've changed and that's fine by me.

His eyes still shine like they used to, but it's still not the same.

His hair falls in his eyes in way that makes me realize he's been through a lot just like me.

He doesn't seem to like the idea of talking about it, but I don't want to either.

He isn't the same, but he is the boy I knew in every way.

He is still the guy who made me laugh.

He is still the boy who taught me a new way to write.

He is still the boy who through paper and erasers down my shirt in sixth grade.

He is still the boy I knew, but secretly I wish that I was still that trusting girl I was.

He isn't the boy I knew, but I'm secretly happy he isn't because maybe just maybe we could be more.

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