We only see each other at weddings and funerals

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"Just a normal day again", you say as you get home from your last day of high school for the year.

It was exhausting, so you decide to relax by turning on your tv and seeing if anything catches your eye on Netflix.

"The Umbrella academy? What is that about?", you think as you see the picture for it being a monkey?

You click on it and read the description.

"Super heros? Sure why not?", you say to yourself as you click on the first episode.

You were pretty confused at the first few minutes as some woman was giving birth in a pool? And it was also in a different language.

"What is this?", you say but soon there was a narrator in the background giving an idea of what is happening.

"That's really strange, I wonder why this happened?", 43 women giving birth on the same day, that is really weird.

You watch on and soon you meet the first of the characters, Luther. Then number two, Diego. And it goes on, but skips 5 and 6?

"Wait, why are five and six not introduced?", you think as Vanya is going up to the academy.

After a few minutes of them getting to know each other and a dance number, something strange starts happening?

"What is that thing?", you think along with the cast as a portal or something was in the yards of the academy.

Soon you see an old man and then someone pops out, but, they aren't old, they look about the same age as you, and may I mention quite hot.

"Damn", you say, "Number five is really hot."

After that Number five starts telling everyone about what happened when he was in the future.

"Where did you go?", one of them asked (you can't really remember the names yet).

"The future, it's shit by the way.", five says and you chuckle.

He starts talking about what happened and you see his flashbacks of what happen and feel absolutely terrible for him to be stuck there.

After this you get a flashback of them as kids fighting off some robbers and Vanya being excluded from it all as she was told she wasn't special.

"That's bullshit", you say to yourself.

Soon all of them are outside for the funeral of Regional. The monkey, which name is Pogo, ask if anyone has any words. Diego (I think correct me if I'm wrong) starts saying about how he was a bad father.

Luther then starts picking a fight with him and Luther ends up getting hurt by Diego and Ben's statue gets decapitated.

You finish the episode, and are quickly on to the next one as you are extremely interested in the show.

*Five hours later (or so you thought)*

"HOLY SHIT 5AM ALREADY?!", you scream silently as you read your phone.

"This show is gonna be the death of me.", you say as you shut off your phone, tv, and roll over and go to sleep.


Hello thank you for reading the first chapter of my story I'm so sorry it was kinda short, I will be making them longer in the future as the story gets more interesting. Bye for now, 🌹.

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