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The alien that had formed was spider like with its many arms and legs and its beady eyes. I continued to run as i heard bones crack. The alien made a horrific roar and as i finally looked back the alien had a dog like thing come out of it.

“IT HAS A DOG!”, i heard Alex yell. He was far behind meaning he must have stopped. Before i could do anything Gabriel had ran back and grabbed Alex. We all ran into the dinning hall and into the kitchen. I was the last to make it into the kitchen.

“Sam, Sam over here!” someone whispered, i turned my head to see Alex, Gabriel, and ZhenZhen motioning me over. I turned and began to run to them but before i could make it the kitchen door opened and i took cover underneath a table. The dog like thing walked into the kitchen growling under its breath, squeezing my eyes shut i hugged myself and waited for teeth to pierce into my skin…. But that never happened. Instead the dog walked straight past me and over to where Alex, Gabriel, And ZhenZhen were.

As the dog approached them i a loud ‘clunk’ came from across the room where Dariush was. He jumped up and screamed at the top of his lungs as the dog chased him. I looked around the room and saw Gabriel motioning me over to a industrial oven where everyone, minus Dariush was hiding. Dariush crawled into the industrial dishwasher as the dog almost bit him. He popped out the other end and ran over to us with the dog hot on his heels. I screamed and ducked as the dog jumoed at us, but the dog fell right into the industrial oven. I looked to ZhenZhen and nodded my head, we both grabbed the hand of the oven and turned it until it was closed.
I looked around the room for any exit. To my left there was a window above the counter. I ran over to it and pushed the window open.

“We have to get out of here!” i said motioning everyone over to the window. I watched as they ran over to me and crawled through the window. The other alien pushed the kitchen door and ran through, i screamed and jumped through the window falling on my back. Getting back up, i ran over to Gabriel and Dariush who were looking for a place to hide. ZhenZhen and Alex were long gone so i had to hope they would be okay.

Gabriel pointed his finger to the stairs of the dining hall outside porch, without another word he crawled underneath the stairs and motioned us over.
“Come on!”

Dariush and I both crawled underneath the stairs to Gabriel. The rocks form the floor scraped my hands as i made my way to Gabriel. Dariush was closest to the stairs while Gabriel was in the middle, meaning i was the farthest away. As i look out through the steps of the stairs i can see ZhenZhen and Alex run to an outdoor restroom and hide inside. This makes me feel ten times better knowing there safe for now.

“Where is it?”,Gabriel asks me, his voice unsteady.

I watch as the aliens claws appear at the step and begin to climb until it’s right above us. Its starts to growl as it takes another step above us, sending dust on us. I squeeze my eyes shut and the wood from above starts to crack.

“Stop talking, shhh”, Gabriel’s hand is covering Dariush’s mouth.

The alien jumps off of the stairs and lands on the floor. I then realize the alien is going after Alex and ZhenZhen as it runs over the outhouse.

“We have to help them” Gabriel says before getting up and moving to the stairs. Before he can leave though Dariush grabs his arm and pulls him back.

“And die to!”, Dariush comments. I sigh and get up from my hiding spot. Before Dariushor Gabriel can say anything else i jump and crawl out from underneath the stairs. Not much latter both of them follow. Once all of us are out from under the stairs i turn and look back at the dining hall.

“Ohh shit” i say as the dog creature from before pops its head out from the vent pipe. “Come on!”. We run to the space capsule and Gabriel and I jump in. i land on top of him with a grunt and mutter a sorry before getting off of him. Dariush runs and gets the door before hopping into the capsule as well.

The dog creature jumps and hits its face on the door and disappears from view.
“Where did it go” i ask pressing my face against the window of the door. A hand falls onto my shoulder and pulls me back.

Alex and ZhenZhen suddenly appear from outside of the door making Dariush yell in surprise. They bang on the window and i go to open the door but Dariush pulls me back. “What are you doing!? We have to let them in!”

“And risk dieing, hell no!” he tells me.

When i look back to the door ZhenZhen and Alex are gone. Gabriel starts pushing random buttons as i continue to search for them outside. Dariush realizes what Gabriel’s doing and pushes him back while protesting. Gabriel pushes back and Dariush hits a lever that clicks down.

From outside i hear a fire explosion and sizzling, i press my face against the window and see Alex standing next to the dog things. The dog is burnt to ash and definitely dead when Dariush nudges me to the side and presses his face against the window.

“Alex, your welcome! I put the dog on fire for you guys! And Gabriel was selfish and didn’t help at all! And Sam said she wanted you guys to die! What button do I press to open this window? Help me!”

I look at Gabriel and shake my head in disbelief, he chuckles and makes his way to the window, kicking it open. We all climb out and stare at the dog that lays motionless.
Not even a minute later the other alien comes out from the trees and starts running at us.

“When do we get a break!” i yell as we all start running again.

“At what point do we trip Sam and ZhenZhen and keep running?!”, Dariush asks.

“Never”, Gabreil pants as we turn a corner.

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