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The first student council meeting post break up was so awkward. I didn't talk to him, he didn't talk to me. I didn't even bother to look his way and he didn't look mine.

Everyone wanted to start out their week with being around their ex, right?

I threw down my bookbag as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," I spoke as I looked around the kitchen

It looked like my Mom was in the process of making sandwiches while talking to Parker who was sitting at one of the islands.

My Mom "Hey sweetheart. Do you want a sandwich?"

I nodded, "I'll take my usual PB and J. Thank you."

I sat down next to Parker, "No football practice today?"

"Coach's wife went into labor so I decided to come hang out over here." Parker explained to me, "Asher is upstairs looking for something."

I felt Parker's hand on my knee and I gave him a look as a way of saying are you fucking crazy?

He looked so amused, it was actually kinda cute.

"You know, Elizabeth, I was talking to Parker about homecoming." My Mom began. I turned my attention to her as she slid Parker his sandwich.

"Thanks, Mrs. Julie." Parker said to her. He gave my leg one last squeeze before he moved his hand away and I so desperately wanted his hand back on my leg.

"No problem, Parker." My Mom started, "Anyways, Parker doesn't have a date for homecoming and you don't either because of that asshole."

I nodded, "What are you suggesting, mother?"

"Well, you could hook Parker up with one of your friends and he could do the same for you." My Mom suggested

That's not where I thought she was going with this at all.

I was quite disappointed by her suggestion. 

I didn't want to go to homecoming with one of Parker's friends, I wanted to go with Parker. I damn sure didn't want anyone to go with him.

"Umm, Mrs. Julie, what if I just take Ellie instead?" Parker bought up

I turned towards him, "Oh, yes. All the girls would love that."

Parker smirked, "Plus we've already been to one formal together, why not make it another?"

"Exactly." I agreed with him

My Mom looked pleasantly surprised, "Well this is good because I trust Parker more than any other guy at that school."

"What if you win homecoming king?" I asked Parker, "I think I'd laugh so loud while simultaneously being so proud of you."

Parker smiled, "Yeah, uh-huh, I guess we'll have to see."

Parker and I had a nice heart to heart on Friday night. I stayed at his house for nearly two hours just talking to him. I loved the way that he listened and the advice he gave.

But the thing I hated about Parker is the fact that we have kissed twice now and we both acted like it never happened. It was frustrating, to say the least.


"You two will be partners." The physics teacher spoke as he pointed to Parker and me

Our first physics project of the year was a take home one. In fact, it was a project that I'd done before in sixth grade - the egg drop project.

"We got this." Parker spoke excitedly as he flipped through the packet, "Should be an easy hundred points."

"If both of us don't mess this up." I muttered

"We won't, Ellie, be positive." Parker scolded me jokingly, "You can come to my house on Saturday and we can work on it."

"So you rather work on this dumb project than party?" I questioned him

He nodded, "If I get to spend time with you then totally."

There they were again in my stomach. The butterflies. I got them every time he started to flirt with me or say something sweet. Or when I was talking to my friends.

"You broke up with Skylar!" Zara exclaimed

"He cheated on me, remember?" I reminded her

Alena's eyes went big, "Wow, okay."

"But then you went to Parker's house?" Alena questioned me

I nodded, "Andwekissed."

All of my friends looked confused for a moment before they made out what I said.

"You and Parker kissed!" Lilia squealed 

I hushed her, "Keep it down!"

"Have you two even talk about the kisses? Like ever?" Zara wondered

I shook my head, "Nope. Maybe it's better that way if you think about it."

"No, it's really not if you think about it." Lilia mocked me

"It seems like both of you are burying your feelings and it's not healthy. Any normal person would agree." She continued and everyone at our table agreed with her.

I had to admit, she had a valid point. But I didn't want to be that girl was jumped out of a relationship and then confessed feelings to another guy. It was just an ugly move.

I looked down at my sandwich, "We're also going to homecoming together."

"Elizabeth!" Alena burst, "Are you guys seriously? He asked you?"

"Yeah." I confirmed, "But let's not make a big deal out of it. I just wanna see where everything goes."

"To his room again." Zara joked

I rolled my eyes and we continued the rest of our lunch by looking for cute homecoming dresses.

It was later that night that I was in my bed on my phone when Asher walked into my room.

"Hey, are you and Fitz seriously going to homecoming together?" He asked as he stood in my doorway

I nodded, "I thought he was joking but he wasn't, so I guess so."

"Oh, okay." Asher nodded his head, "I'm happy you're not going with some grimy guy who just wants to kiss you."

Oh, the irony.

I faked gagged, "Gross, not Fitz."

Asher laughed, "Yeah, okay. Hope it's not too awkward between you guys."

Trust me, it won't be.

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