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The rest of my summer sure did go by fast in the midst of secret rendezvous with Skylar, junior year orientation, and just sleeping all day.

Skylar and I pulled up to Parker's house that was packed. You could hear the bass of the music, people screaming and laughing, plus you could practically smell the alcohol in the air.

Alena put her arm around my shoulder, "Ready to get fucked up?"

"Hmm, maybe." I answered as we walked up the driveway. We immediately walked to the backyard where the party was. So many freakin' people.

I stared at the cooler that had what was left of the alcohol Parker provided.

That was a perk of a Parker Fitzgerald party, the free drinks that only lasted so long. As long as I took it slow, I would be fine. I was at Parker's house too.

Speaking of the devil.

"Hey." I started as I walked up to him. Skylar was a couple of feet behind me playing some drinking game with his friends.

"Don't drink too fast." Parker spoke as he pointed to my cup

I held steady eye contact with him, "I make no promises."

I raised on up my toes and Parker squatted down so I could reach his ear.

"If I do make sure I end up somewhere around you so I can throw up all over your room again." I whispered into his ear

"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything." Parker assured me before he drank the rest of whatever was in his cup

"Where are your parents this time?" I asked him

He rolled his eyes, "Iceland, they'll be back the day before school starts so Tuesday."

I nodded my head as I scanned the room. A couple of feet away, I noticed my brother making out with some girl. Parker turned his head to see what I was looking at.

"It's Jessica Suits." He informed me, "They've been close recently."

He knew I couldn't stand her yet that didn't stop him. She hurt me so much and my own brother didn't even care.

"That just really pissed me off." I muttered. I chugged the rest of the Vodka and Sprite and for a minute after it felt like I had a hole in my esophagus.

"I forgot that you two used to be best friends." Parker mentioned as he followed me

I did a jello shot and squeezed my eyes shut, "Did you guys make these with acetone?"

"Fitzgerald!" Paul Henderson yelled from the beer bong table, "Come play!"

Parker looked at me, "You'll play this round with me, won't you?"

"I guess." I agreed

Parker and I ran over to the beer pong and coincidentally, Skylar was Paul's partner.

Parker looked up from arranging the cups, "Well, Ellie, time to kick ass."

"Always," I replied

Parker and I worked well together. Were we rough in the beginning? Of course. But once we got our rhythm and started pumping each other up, we were golden.

"Final cup, you got it, Ellie!" Parker cheered. I squinted my eyes and adjusted my arm a bit before I threw the ball. I was being sarcastic but I somehow made it into the cup.

"Parker!" I yelled excitedly as he yelled just as excited. We gave each other a high five and then I threw my arms over his neck. He wrapped his arms around me and my heart was beating a mile a minute.

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