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The day of homecoming was filled with nail, hair, and makeup appointments. My Mom kept FaceTiming Lydia throughout the day so she could feel like she was with us.

I put on my homecoming dress and felt like the baddest bitch on the planet. It was a strapless red dress that laced up in the back.

It was very simple yet still hot.

It was very simple yet still hot

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My hair was in loose curls, I loved the soft glam makeup the lady did, and I think I accessorized pretty well with red earrings. 

"Let me see, Elizabeth!" My Mom yelled as she knocked on my door

I unlocked the door and saw my someone, who wasn't my Mom, standing in the doorway.

"Lydia!" I exclaimed

My sister pulled me into a hug, "You look so pretty!"

Lydia took a look at me, "Where did my little sister go?"

"I've missed you so much! What are you doing here?" I asked her. I noticed my Mom walk into my room and look at us.

She shrugged, "We have a few days off for fall break and I missed the warm weather. Plus I wanted to see you and Parker go off to homecoming!"

I wanted to tell her about everything that happened between us but I was so scared something would come out.

"I'm not leaving until Tuesday either." Lydia informed me, "Maybe we could go out to get sushi for dinner tomorrow? Mom told me that you guys don't have school on Monday."

I nodded, "Yeah of course."

I put on my shoes and walked downstairs. My Dad was in the family room watching TV.

"Ahh, look at my Zibby and Libby!" He exclaimed as he saw us

My Mom pulled out her real camera, "Let's get some pictures!"

I took pictures with my sister and Dad then Asher came downstairs. We took more family pictures.

Asher and Dad went off to take pictures with his group and Lydia, Mom, and I went off to take pictures with mine.

Lydia was in my car and my Mom was following behind us. I really had to play the role of making it look like I was going to spend the night with Alena.

"Lyds can I tell you something? Except you can't tell anyone, no one Lydia." I began

Her eyes went big, "Oh my gosh, what do you have to tell me that's so juicy?

"You won't tell anyone right?" I made sure

She nodded, "Cross my heart and hope to die. Now, spill."

"Parker and I." I stated

"What?" She spoke confused, "Have you guys done something?"

I came to a red light, "We've kissed twice, we're always flirting now, and I really like him." I continued to tell her about everything that has been happening between us.

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