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"Thank you daddy," Said Alaska as her dad hugged her. She set the gift aside and looked over the table at her girlfriend.

Sharon slipped her a small box and an envelope. Alaska smirked and opened the box, revealing a Swarovski crystal infinity ring that they'd seen in the window of a jewellery store.

"Sharon, oh my god," She slipped it on her right middle finger and admired it. "it's beautiful. Thank you." Sharon smiled and mouthed out 'like you', making Alaska blush.

Alaska opened up the envelope. There was a pretty, glittery birthday card inside. She opened the card, 2 coupons falling out.

Sharon worked in the kitchen washing the dishes and waitressing at an extremely fancy restaurant, courtesy of her father. Which means higher than average pay check, and worker's discounts. Alaska was always talking about how she'd love to eat there one day but she couldn't afford the ridiculous prices.

"You didn't," Sharon had been asking her boss for a meal discount to take Alaska on a date there one day and he'd always refused it. This time, she got lucky. "I love you so much."

Alaska got out of her seat to walk around the table. She hugged Sharon from behind, burying her head into her shoulder. Sharon kissed her soft blonde hair and stroked her head.

"It's tonight, go make yourself look beautiful." Said her mother. Cory smirked.
"Beautiful? Good luck with that."
Alaska shoved him and smiled.
"She's already beautiful, Mrs T." Sharon smiled at Alaska's mother. She winked at Sharon. Sharon got up to go home, waving at Alaska.
"I'll be here at 6, babe."

Alaska sat on the edge of her bed looking in the mirror. She sat up really straight, pushing her tits out and sucking in her stomach. Not that she needed to; she had an amazing figure and Sharon thought so too.

She applied her makeup, making sure everything was perfect. She searched through her closet to find something cute to wear. She picked out an extremely short, tight, off-shoulder black dress that hugged her figure perfectly. She paired a some black heels with them and brushed her hair out, flipping it over to one side.

She sighed, looking down at her legs. She ran her fingers over her thighs and looked through the crack in her door. Standing up, she walked over to her door to push it completely shut. She took a deep breath before laying down on her bed.

She lifted her dress around her hips, revealing her bare pussy as she hadn't put on underwear, hoping something would happen with Sharon later on.

She began to pump two fingers in and out, wincing slightly as she wasn't used to it. She hadn't been touched for so long. She arched her back euphoria, going deeper by the minute.
But she was interrupted.

"Alaska, honey, your date is here!" Shouted her mother from downstairs. Alaska sighed heavily and groaned to herself, pulling her dress back down as she stood up. She walked to the bathroom to wash her hands. As she care back out, she was met with Sharon's wide, hypnotic brown eyes.

"You ready baby?" She said, pulling her in by the waist and kissing her passionately. Alaska smiled through their kiss, wrapping her arms around Sharon's neck. She pulled away, allowing Sharon to cup her face to admire her.
"You're so beautiful." She pressed another kiss on her lips before letting Alaska lead her down the stairs and out of the door.

"Bye mom, bye dad," Alaska waved at her family before stepping out into the warm air of the night.
"Have fun you two, let us know if you stay out darling." Her mother replied, blowing a kiss at the two.

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