Chapter 18

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Third person pov

Married. They could hardly believe it. Takashi was married to Touya, someone they'd formerly known as Dabi. Touya, who was brash, and sort of terrifying, and who scowled and seemed like he was always in a bad mood. He was married to bright, happy-go-lucky, always-smiling Takashi! It was insane, and nobody ever would have guessed that the pair were wed, let alone that fate had assigned them to one another as soulmates.

It was the last push everyone needed to feel entirely less weary of Touya. His soulmate was here to keep him in line, and how bad could he possibly be if Takashi of all people had agreed to marry him? It was truly easing to know the true nature of the relationship between 1-A's newest student and teacher. Now that they were aware, they all had to wonder how on God's green earth they'd managed to miss something so obvious. Takashi was practically the only person Touya smiled at, for starters, and that wasn't even the start of it. Their hands brushing became clear as day, as did the way they'd stand so close their arms were practically pressed right together!

"You knew and you didn't tell us?" Ojiro asked Izuku, who looked up from his book while blinking. Four days later, and most of the class was still reeling. Save for Todoroki and Midoriya, and it became abundantly obvious to everyone that they must have already known. The half-and-half boy knowing they were married wasn't all that odd. After all, Touya did just so happen to be his brother. But Izuku... well, that was a bit out there. Everyone knew he and Shoto were close. Best friends, some might say, but to think the freckled boy hadn't clued them in...

"U-Uh, I sort of thought it was obvious." Izuku shrugged honestly, because really, it had been. How the rest of the class had missed it was beyond them. It's not like the pair of husbands were subtle. Sure, they hadn't screamed it to the world or anything. Izuku didn't see why they would, but they hadn't actively tried their best to hide it. The freckled boy couldn't count the amount of times they'd simply left their door open. Anyone walking past or feeling like snooping could easily peek in and see that there was a single bed for them to share, and dozens upon dozens of photographs plastered across the walls.

Honestly, Izuku had assumed it was a secret at first. Could you really blame him? Touya was the new guy, the brand new not-villain-but-still-viewed-as-a-villain. He had immediately come to the conclusion that everything was on the down low, when everything was indeed not on the down low. Like, at all. Takashi had called Touya a colorful array of pet names in front of several of his classmates. Touya had slung an arm casually over Takashi's shoulder more than once.

"Dude, if it was obvious, someone would have noticed!" Sero threw his hands in the air in exasperation. Izuku gave a timid shrug, looking over to his own soulmate. Shoto wasn't even paying attention, his eyebrows scrunched together in a way that showed he was put off by something. It was odd to see him concerned, and it made Izuku concerned by extension. Not much phased the dual-quirk user. At least, not outwardly. Not anymore. The freckled teen watched the concern begin to morph into something else entirely.

"Hey, everything all right?" Izuku nudged his soulmate in lieu of answering Sero, who groaned in a loud and dramatic sort of way that nearly made the green-haired boy snort. His amusement didn't last long when Shoto failed to give any form of a response. Not even a twitch. He just stared at his phone, holding his breath instead. Izuku immediately felt dread pool in his gut, his smile dropping as he tentatively reached out to touch his arm. Shoto flinched as though he'd been struck, his wide eyed meeting those of his soulmate's.

Shoto could hear his own heart beating wildly in his ears, blood rushing right up to his head in the most uncomfortable way possible. It rushed so fast and so loud he wasn't sure he could hear himself think anymore. He hadn't had all that many panic attacks, as surprising as that was, but he was almost positive this was what one felt like. After spending so much time bottling things up, it was quite odd to have it all rush out unaided. It was a shock to see how open he was nowadays. 

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