Chapter 12

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This was written on my phone so it is by definition absolutely littered with typos and probably shit. I'm sorry-

Third person pov

Touya couldn't stop twitching and shifting uncomfortably. After Takashi had wooed 1-A with his cooking skills and ability to eat incredibly spicy food that even Bakugo had drunk copious amounts of water with, he and Touya had hit the sack. Both of them were heavily exhausted, though Takashi hid it a lot better than Touya. With a brief conversation to make sure they were both okay, they were kissing each other goodnight and passing out in nothing but their boxers.

Now Touya was dressed in some of his better casual clothes. The jeans weren't wrinkled or ripped, and Takashi had cleaned up his shoes and fixed his hair into something more of a style rather than just letting the redhead ruffle it with a towel and be done. He had on a black button up shirt on top of a plain grey shirt. His top most layer was unbuttoned, and he'd rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. Even then he still felt relatively uncomfortable. 

Takashi was holding his hand, and had been since they got into the waiting room. He wore jeans, which was pretty tame considering his usual fashion sense. He had on a pair of bright pink boots with white laces and a sweater covered in chibi puppies. It was an adorable, approachable style that would probably set the parents at ease. It certainly set Touya at ease, though he was a bit biased.

"You're going to do great, dear. They'll love you." Takashi assured brightly. "I mean, I like you enough, so I'm sure it'll be just fine!"

"You like everyone." Touya grumbled, glaring at his boots. He wasn't upset with Takashi, of course. Just a little afraid of what was to come. This meeting could cause everything to fall apart. He didn't want these parents to be afraid, or to pull their children out of UA just because he was here. They were here to become heroes, and he would hate himself for getting in the way of that. Especially after the part he played in the attack during what was supposed to be a fun and educational summer camp.

"I like you the most, though." Takashi assured him with a smile that just about melted Touya's erratically beating heart. Whether it was racing due to being so close to Takashi, who was adorable, or if it was galloping along because of stress he was under, he had no idea. All he knew was that... well, he felt afraid. He didn't like the admit it, but it was true. He was fucking terrified.

"Well I like you the most too." Touya said, taking a deep breath. Takashi snuggled further into his shoulder in response, earning himself a small smile from the scarred redhead. Truth be told, things could be worse. Both had expected they might have to talk to parents. Of course, Takashi had been expecting it a little more. Being a teacher, he'd dealt with parent-teacher conferences all the time. Especially with how much of an effort he put into communicating with parents. This was... well, going to be a little different than that.

The door to the conference room slid open, and with it came a fresh wave of dread that washed over Touya like a tidal wave. By the way Takashi tensed, he felt the emotion overcome his soulmate. Touya winced to himself. He knew he was being a wuss, but he'd seen what angry parents could do. Takashi had calmly dealt with too many of them to count, so Touya knew he'd be fine. But angry parents... that had absolutely nothing on an angry mother and/or father. 

"It's time." Aizawa sounded about as grim as he looked. Takashi hopped to his feet like a spring uncoiling, subsequently pulling Touya up with him in the process. The morose Todoroki knew better than to fight it. There was absolutely no avoiding this, and he'd resigned himself to that hours ago when he realized this probably wasn't even going to be the worst thing he went through in this hell. It was only a matter of time before the blonde brat blew him up, or worse, Endeavor showed up and reduced him to ash.

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