Chapter 14

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Third person pov

Everyone just so happened to be afraid of Touya, but it wasn't their fault. They perceived him a certain way, linking him to an event far too tragic for many of them to casually bring up. Touya didn't make it better by being here. He was a constant reminder-- a trigger they all wanted to go away. His gruff looks and occasional glares sent shivers down their spines, and most of 1-A couldn't fathom how Todoroki and Midoriya could stand to be around him, or how Takashi handled sharing a room with the man.

Today was a little different. Touya often times hung his head, his arms crossed firmly over his chest in a way that bordered on defensive. He was like a coiled snake, poised and ready to strike at the first sign of a threat. His bright red hair was better than the black, but he didn't look any less intimidating as he followed Takashi around like a shadow. The green-eyed man somehow didn't seem to mind it, casually talking to him as though he hadn't done anything wrong. 

Touya often times had to go to UA's main campus after class. For what, they were never told. Shoto and Izuku would linger around the communal area and watch TV while awaiting their return. Many thought maybe they were going to talk to detectives, while others assumed Touya was being forced into therapy. It was painfully hard to say. They did their best to keep tabs on the scarred man, but the redhead was cold and quiet. There were several times when he'd gone unseen.

Takashi was quite the opposite. He radiated like the sun, and the students couldn't help but feel drawn in by him. Touya being around him repelled them somewhat, but not enough for them to go away completely. They still helped him cook, and sparked conversations. Takashi was warm and powerful. They felt the same way around him as they felt around Mr. Aizawa: protected. He was someone they could count on and trust. He just had that air around him.

There seemed to be a very clear line between both Takashi and Touya. Some feared for Takashi's safety because of it. Only now, weeks later, did it seem to blur.

Touya was attending hero courses for the first time. While all he was doing was sitting in, it still set a few people on edge. Knowing the redhead was slowly getting closer and closer to being allowed to unleash his quirk scared them, and having his piercing blue eyes follow them as they fought made them all nervous. On the other hand, having Takashi there to cheer them on was quite encouraging. It almost made up for the fact that there was a criminal observing them.

One of Bakugo's explosions was particularly powerful, and it sent Kaminari flying back. He was pretty used to getting beaten in heroics training. He wasn't the best at close combat despite his quirk somewhat requiring it unless he wanted to take out his peers with whoever he was up against. He was working hard to improve his hand-to-hand, but it was a slow process. He was a slow learner. So slow, it was frustrating at times. Not that he'd tell anyone that.

"Holy shit!" Touya exclaimed as Kaminari's head slammed hard down into the concrete, his body sliding towards them until it was only a few feet away. A few people stopped to look over, but the fighting continued for the most part. Takashi and his husband immediately scrambled forward, crouching down on either side of the electric blonde as he dizzily pushed himself up with a groan, blood leaking from the back of his head.

Touya thought back to all the times he'd been thrown down by his father during training, and he winced. That couldn't have felt good. Touya had experienced several concussions in his lifetime. He also couldn't count the amount of times he'd been on the receiving end of an attack high in temperature. The thought made him shiver, but he didn't back up. 

"Are you okay, Kaminari?" Takashi asked carefully as the boy blinked blearily. Touya put a hand on the teen's back almost out of reflex to steady him when he began to tip backwards again. Bakugo had rushed forward to see if he'd accidentally killed his sparring partner, clicking his tongue slightly and keeping his distance. He observed Touya with keen eyes, watching the scarred man scan over Kaminari.

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