Chapter 5 - Clara

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The front door banged open.

"Mom, is that you?" I shouted as I raced out into the hall. Grandma stood there, face pale. "Grandma, where have you been? Mom's out looking for you."

"Clara, we don't have time. Grab the salt from the kitchen and follow me." She gasped for breath, trying to pull in as much air as possible.


"Now, Clara." She turned and pushed open the door to her small office. It wasn't really an office, though. More like her magical supply store. "Clara!" Her voice echoed.

I turned toward the kitchen. Salt... Why on earth does she want salt?

I grabbed the two large containers and raced back down the hall. "Here you go."

"Good girl," Grandma said, taking one. "Follow me." She pushed past me and opened the front door.

"Grandma, what are we doing?" She was starting to freak me out now as she mumbled to herself. I'd never seen her like this before.

"We need to shield the house. I don't have time to explain. Just take the salt and spread it on the ground around the house. I'll take the left, you take the right. We'll meet at the back door. Don't leave any gaps. Hurry now, Clara. There's not much time."

"Everything okay?" Megan asked, poking her head around the sitting room door.

"Yeah, it's Grandma. She wants me to help her with something. I'll be back in a minute."

I followed Grandma outside and took the left, as she instructed. I placed a trail of salt around the house, surprised to see Grandma waiting for me by the back door. She moved pretty fast for an old lady.

"Inside," she said as she looked around the back yard.

"What are you looking for?" I asked, following her gaze.

"No time, Clara. Get inside." She grabbed me and shoved me through the door, then slammed it shut.

Once inside, she took in a deep breath, her hands shaking as she leaned over the kitchen counter.

"Grandma, you're scaring me."

She looked up, face still pale. "Sorry, Clara. I'll explain everything, I promise, but I have to do something first."

"I'll make you some tea. That'll help calm you."

"Call your mother. Get her back home."

Megan walked into the kitchen. "Everything okay?" she asked.

"I think so. I'm just going to make Grandma some tea, then call Mom."

"Okay...," Megan said, giving me her best what the heck look.

I shrugged. I had no idea what was going on.

"I'll be up in your room. I want to look for something to wear on Friday night."

"Sure," I said, flicking the switch for the kettle and grabbing two cups from the overhead cabinet.

While the water boiled, I rang Mom and told her Grandma was home. I didn't go into any detail.

Grandma muttered to herself as I poured the boiling water into the cups. She clasped her necklace in both hands, a cool breeze floating through the kitchen. I knew she was casting a spell. There was definitely something going on. Grandma only ever did spells in her office, and never with someone else in the house.

I watched her mouth move, but I had no idea what she was saying. A soft blue glow emanated from her hands as her eyes closed in concentration. I knew better than to interrupt, so I placed the cups of tea on the counter and took a seat. The expression on her face softened, color slowly creeping back into her cheeks. Her shoulders relaxed and she inhaled deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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