Chapter 4 - Flynn

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My senses led me to a red-brick bungalow on the outskirts of a small town. A gravel pathway bordered by shrubs and flowers led to the front door. I sensed Jonathan nearby. For once, I'd made it before him. Refusing to take any chances, I shimmered straight into the sitting room of the house.

Her head jerked up as I materialized. An old lady. It caught me by surprise, but I quickly regained my composure and held my hands up. "I'm not here to hurt you, but I need you to listen to me."

Her face paled as she took in my appearance. "You...," she gasped.

"Please, I won't hurt you."

She mumbled words I couldn't make out, my arms and legs starting to tingle. "What..." My voice faltered before it vanished altogether. I couldn't move, either. She'd spelled me. I knew what she saw when she looked at me. Black-feathered wings, dark hair, eyes that conveyed pain and sorrow, and a sneer on my face. I couldn't blame her.

"There you are, brother."

I tensed. Jonathan was already inside, hiding in the shadows.

"Oh, thank God." The old lady seemed pleased to see him. "I've bound him, but it won't last long."

Jonathan grinned at me before turning to face the old lady. "You did very well. What's your name?"

She smiled. "Esme."

"I'm Jonathan, and this is my evil twin, Flynn." He walked over to me, the sweet smile plastered on his face. The smile that should have been mine. I pulled at the bonds of magic that held me, but it was no use.

"Shame you have my face, brother," he whispered. "You'll never win, and now I have her. I'm going to tear her limb from limb and end this ridiculous prophecy once and for all." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Enjoy Hell, brother, because I'll be sending you there soon enough."

Jonathan turned and smiled at Esme. "We should leave. Will you come with me?" He held his hand out. Without hesitation, she took it. Jonathan glanced over at me. "See you soon, brother." Then they vanished.

I cursed, pulling at the magic, but it was no use. I had no choice but to wait until it wore off. Then I would follow them. The old lady had taken me by surprise. Not that she wasn't powerful. I just expected someone a lot younger. In our human form, Jonathan and I looked eighteen, and all these centuries, I'd assumed the one to see the true me would be of the same age. She was an old lady and a witch. It just didn't sit right.

The tingling sensation started in my toes and moved through my body. Once able to move again, I sniffed the air for Jonathan's scent and followed them. I hoped it wasn't too late.


The building looked derelict and abandoned, the wooden façade worn and battered. Crashed cars and junk filled the surrounding area. Beyond that was nothing but wasteland and fields. The road was quiet, almost eerily so. I'd planned on materializing inside the building, but I didn't want the old lady putting a spell on me again. I had to be smart about it. Jonathan would sense me as soon as I entered. Outside, I was hidden.

My feet hovered over the gravel, my wings spread wide to prevent any noise. I landed and crouched beneath the window. It was covered in dirt and dust and impossible to see through, but that didn't bother me. I just needed to listen. With my hand flat against the wood panelling, I closed my eyes. I could sense them both. They were in a large, open space. Jonathan paced, agitated. The old lady's heartbeat was strong, her pulse normal. He hadn't harmed her.

"He will find us. You must let me cast the spell. I've worked on it all my life. It will work," she said.

Why hadn't she seen Jonathan's true self? Perhaps she had and was just biding her time? He wouldn't expect that.

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