Chapter 3 - Clara

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The school corridors bustled. Students rushed around, lockers slammed, noisy conversations filled the air. Your typical school morning. My hand trembled as I turned the combination lock. I glanced at the main doors where I'd seen the two figures in my vision. Would they arrive today? Grandma said she had the same vision and it never materialized. Maybe it won't for me, either.

I focused on gathering my books for class.

"Hey, Clara. Didn't see you at the bus stop this morning."

Megan, my best friend since we were five, stood beside me, sucking on a lollipop. Her chestnut hair was pulled back into a ponytail, her backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Mom dropped me off. I was running late."

"Cool," she said, popping the lollipop out of her mouth and placing it back in.

"How can you eat those things so early in the morning?"

"Easy. You put it in your mouth and suck. Besides, the sugar helps me stay focused in Rogers' class. History is boring as it is, but when you have Rogers, who never changes the inflexion of his voice, you need something to keep you awake."

I laughed. She was so right. Mr. Rogers was the most boring teacher ever. His monotone voice never, ever changed.

I glanced over at the doors one last time before closing my locker.

She looked at the doors, then back at me. "Who are you looking for?"

"It's nothing." I shrugged. "I'll tell you later."

"Did something happen?"

"You could say that." I leaned in closer, lowering my voice. "I think I had a vision."

"Oh, my god, Clara. And you weren't going to tell me?" Megan twiddled the stick of her lollipop and made the lost puppy face she liked to do when she was pretending to be upset.

"Shh, not so loud. I was going to tell you, Meg. I just... I haven't gotten my own head around it yet." The bell rang throughout the hall. "And there isn't time now anyway."

Along with the rest of Mercy High, we pushed our way toward class.


Megan waited for me outside chemistry. "Let's eat lunch outside so you can tell me everything. I'm dying to know what happened. Did it hurt? Did your eyes turn white, like your grandma's?"

I looked around, hissing, "Relax, Meg. Anyone could hear."

"Sorry," she mumbled.

It was quiet outside, not that I was surprised. Early spring in Newbrooke was usually freezing cold and, more often than not, snow still covered the ground. We were lucky today. The sky was blue and the watery sunshine held a bit of heat.

"Let's grab this bench. I'm not walking any farther," Megan said as she plonked her lunch down and threw her leg over the bench seat.

I did the same and rubbed my hands together to get some heat back into them. "We must be mad. No one else is eating outside."

"Exactly." Megan grinned. "No one to overhear us."

I laughed.

"Come on, Clara. Spill it. I've waited long enough."

"Let's eat first," I said, teasing her. I knew I wouldn't even get a bite out of my sandwich.

"Don't you dare." Megan's eyes narrowed.

I smirked. "Fine. I was in bed, finding it difficult to sleep. I'm not even sure if I dozed off, but then I had this massive pain in my head. It was so weird. All these colors swirled around my room. I thought I was having a brain haemorrhage or something."

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