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sqeUUEkkkKKK!!! Bloody hell.

Rats suck total ass. Its like nails on a chalkboard multiplied by Miley Cyrus's butt. Its that bad. And ya know what is *just* fabulous? Im in a cellar of a pirate ship, after being kidnapped, made a slave and put in pillaries. Made my day.

Made my day a living hell.

I figure that there is at least 250(A/N suck it shanks)kajillionmillionbilliondey rats on this goddamn ship, in my 'room' there is about 7, but 4ish run away when I get near. So I have to twerk all over this cabin cellar thing to get rid of all of them. At least its only about 6x6feet large. With a BUCKET. Yup. So I have to twerk on the creaky floor and make them all run. All the time. But there's 3 that stay. No matter what. I've tried twerking, yelling, swearing, teaching math, making faces, and having staring contests with them.

So I've adopted them. Don't judge me.

Brenda- a light brown rat with a black splash (that is shaped almost like a sun) on her butt. Then Jorge- a once-black rat with a greying mouth and splotches of white and grey along his back like cammoflauge. And finally Rose. She's all white with black feet and missing her nose. She seems to be a bit psychotic, always running in circles, trying to bite the other rats noses, and squeaking really shucking loud if they get near me.

So I guess I have my own bodyguard, only problem is that the bodyguard is a psychotic noseless rat.

I wish she could actually do something because unless I'm insane, like Rose,  I heard NON - RAT RELATED SQUEAKING.


Ya not really. The trap door opens bringing in lines of weak sunlight, though faded, making me squint and blink a shitton. (Totally real unit of measurement btw.  And the level of suckiness this whole thing has been, is about 374829 shittons of bad.) 

When I refocus my eyes I see a young girl with light pink hair looking shyly at me. First off- why is she shy IM KIDNAPPED IN A CELLAR WITH A STRANGER LOOKING AT ME. Second- she's pretty cute.

Third - she's injured.

(Pic included)

She looks down scanning my area with big doe eyes and a dripping arm covered in straight red lines. A lot of them.

Oh no. This is verrryyyy bad. Like 6238 shittons bad.

"Hey...I was um..wondering if I could come down to..well hide? Is that okay?"

"Thats okay, but your arm sure isn't."

She nods enthusiastically with cold regret in her eyes. Then she looks around and jumps down pulling the trap door behind her.  She immediately pulls back a panel and flicks the lights on.

"So I'm guessing you've been here before?"

She keeps her head down, lost in memories and nods slightly.

"Okay. Well I'm Alex. But you probably already know that."

"Yeah." She wipes her eyes. I hadn't even heard her cry. "I forgot how unfair this is to you. We know so much about you, and you don't even know my name." She sighs and faces me.

"I'm Tiffany. But you can call me Tiff. You probably have a shitton of questions but let's start from the start alrighty?"


"Me and my sisters took your here for some reasons I can't tell you yet. My sisters are Sierra and Brittany.  I hate both of them."

BRITTANY? Damn. I can see the similarities.  Bad relationship between her and Sierra. Almost feeling bad for the girl. She looks to be around 15. Same age but she's clearly been through a lot more.

"Obey the rules and be quiet. Otherwise don't worry about it. I'll try and protect you when I can. You strike me as someone who gets in trouble a lot.  I like that."

LOTS OF STUFF TO PROCESS. Sounds kinda easy. 'Cept I don't know the rules... why is she protecting ME? She's the bleeding one. And woah she likes me.

"But..why are you trying to help me, when you're the bleeding one?"

"Well." She says,  pondering this for a few moments.

"If you told me that half and half still make a whole, and if you chose me over one and one half million souls and if you loved me with abandon- I'd run anyhow. And if you asked me, I'd say,  that's what I know of love, now. That's a song I like- 'This Is Me' by Eddie From Ohio- and it applies here."

"I've been through this. No matter what someone promised me, if they chose me, I'd still leave. I can't trust anyone. I know better. That's what I know of love-now. It never stays. I need to protect you from THEM because I couldn't protect myself."

She spits out the last part like a bitter taste. I want to help her but I've never been good at these things.

"Well, I'll stay with you" I offer.

Her face lights up.  Wow.

"Come on, let's get you all cleaned up and tell me what happened. Okay Tiff?"

She grins and nods. This is going to be a long story.



OK!  Aliff, Talex, whatever. Ya ship?  Or Bralex/ Alettany? Maybe even Alierra.


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