Well, shit.

20 3 1

My thoughts drift from Brit to pirates(?) To Angie. Crap. I'm supposed to watch her, but instead I'm doing..well...I don't know what. Or where. Or why. I probably got high and passed out, since ya know..pirates.

I smell seawater and my senses come back like a slap on the face. Aw fuck. Pirates.  Right.

I slowly open my eyes and see old, worn wooden boards. Covered in something dark that I can't place immediately.  Then the wind shifts and the smell is shoved up my nose.


Shouting comes from higher on the deck. I miss what they say as a wave creeps up and breaks over the edge of the ship, washing the blood away, leaving a rusty stain inches from my face. Nasteh.

When the water quiets down I hear a loud whisper in a girls voice.

"Get that shit under control. Right now. Tiff what the hell kind of ship do you think I run?"

I hear a quiet apology and a harsh response.

"You are not important.  Our cargo is. He doesn't need to know about this..issue.."

Wait.  I'm a him. And I guess I'm cargo?  Well, shit.

I reach to rub the sleep from my eyes and realize I can't. I look down as far my wooden head restraint allows.  Oh. Hand restraints.  Fan-fucking-tastic.


And even worse than being in a pilgrim era device, it fits.

Too well.

Like perfectly.

For the second time today I think

Well, shit.

Shoes clip towards me with authority.  I hear a click and the top half of my mini prison stretches over my head. I roll my shoulders and crack my neck.

Her voice speaks out regally, as If I was a peasant interrupting her business. But somehow I had priority. 

"Well since you're up, it's time for your training Alex."

Crap. Well she sounded hot at least..but Brittany...

As if she read my thoughts she spoke out again.

"And don't worry about Brit anymore.  She and the captain are having a..meeting.."

Well that didn't sound good.

She snatched the back of my shirt and yanked me up, then whirled me around to face her.


Her long hair twists and looks as if it is fire in the sea breeze. She has fair skin and powerful cheekbones. Her glare at me shows off her dark eyes that look like the darkest blue I know with a mixture of a brown so deep it almost sucked you in. But there was something familiar about her features. Maybe it was the curve of her neat eyebrows or the shape of her nose, but somehow she reminds of Brittany.  Nah.  Probably over thinking this what with being knocked out a lot..

"Oh, and I'm Sierra. But you can call me Captain Sierra. You're still a greenie."

A greenie?

I try to get my bearings on the boat,  have my legs get used to the choppy churning water.

She sighs frustrated and impatient.

  "We have places to be and things to see, so hurry your goddamn land lovin' ass up."

Geez. This girl has the mouth of a sailor.  Oh wait..

"That means follow me" she hissed.

She yanked on my arm and led me across the deck and I kept swiveling my neck trying to take it all in.

She opens up a creaky trap door with a rusty hinge near the biggest pole. I remember them being called masts from school. Woah there I snap out of my mast thoughts and I'm frickin dangling over the pit below the door in the floor. 

"Will I be..um..going down..there?" I ask with a trembling finger pointed at the gaping black eternity that smells like fish oil.

She rolled her eyes as if I was asking a moronic question, like ' is the sky blue?'

" After you scrub, rinse, repaint, oil, and set it up, it's all yours."

Ugh. Work.

" Let's get you used to your space " she says, barely hiding the mischief in her voice.

"Wait. Wha-AAAAH FUCK it's dark down here!"

Either that clicking sound was the lock on the door above my head or squeaking rats.

                             Well, shit.

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