Chapter 12

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I was hot. Man hot wasn't even the word. I was seething at this point. I paced the floor of the living room back and forth just trying to wrap my head around the shit Shani had just pulled. I couldn't for the life of me understand what would posses her to run off to confront Dani's nutty ass alone. This could only end badly. And I lowkey felt responsible for her now. Even though I had just met her a few days ago. Knowing what I know. And feeling how I felt. If something went wrong I'd probably never forgive myself. 

"You sure you don't want to hit this man?" Steelo asked offering me a hit of the blunt he had just rolled. He looked at me as if he couldn't understand why I was looking at him the way I was. "Nigga what?!" He squealed. "You making me nervous!" He added with bulging eyes. "Just take a hit. It'll take the edge off. Nigga you thinking hard as fuck right now." He continued only annoying me more. My annoyance with him starting with the fact that he was supposed to be keeping his eyes on Shani. But instead this nigga was outside probably begging Conna for her forgiveness given his recent slip up. 

"Steez man right now is not the time." I said waving him off. Leave it to this nigga to be the one to suggest getting high at a time like this. 

"How come it's not?" He quizzed in all seriousness. "Mike just hear me out." He said his eyes pleading for my attention. "I know you probably mad right now ... but nigga I know you." He said taking a slight pause. I took a few steps closer to where he was seated awaiting his point. Because he had yet to make one. Which was starting to piss me off more. "And when you get mad sometimes it clouds your judgement. All I'm saying is hit the weed two or three times. Let it open up your mind and subside your feelings." He said causing everyone in the room to look at him in utter confusion. Darwin being the first to break character and laugh. We all soon after followed suit. 

"Nigga shut yo' ole philosophical ass up." I laughed snatching the blunt and lighter from Steelo's hands. I lit it after placing it between my lips. Taking one short breath to ignite it and another to feel it. I closed my eyes for a moment and allowed the smoke in my lungs to enter my soul. Steelo was right. When I got mad sometimes I saw red and nothing past that. 

Given this delicate situation I needed to think more than I needed to feel. There were lives on the line after all. So I knew I couldn't get high right now. Just lifted. I took another pull, my eyes still closed. The second puff seemed to relieve my tension as my shoulder fell from releasing the smoke. 

"Puff puff pass." Steelo joked snatching the blunt from my fingers. I softly chuckled before allowing myself to zone out for a moment. I needed a moment alone with my thoughts. I could hear the fellas start to move around me. Them probably knowing what I was on already. Sometimes I closed my eyes and cleared my thoughts. A simpler form of meditation my mother had taught me growing up. Close your eyes. Clear you mind. And take deep filling breathes. 

Shani had ran off with the money, two guns and her phone which was our only means of communication with Dani. I hadn't the slightest clue as to where he rested his head. My private investigator had filled me in as much as he could with all he could dig up over the last few days. Which was a lot but not enough to go after this nigga the way I wanted to.

You see I had called him that day after Dani popped up at the diner. I knew he was trouble. It was written all over his face. Literally. His face was full of tattoos. Some of which were vaguely familiar. The BSR symbol in particular. Which was confirmed after Darwin picked me up and we just so happened to pass them in traffic on our way to the highway. 

My P.I. dug up as much as he could but like most street niggas the guy didn't have a permeant address. Brotha was a rolling stone. Granted my P.I. gave me a few known places he frequented, there was no way we could hit them all up looking for Shani and Imena. It was too risky and time consuming. It would take all night and we didn't have all night. It had already been forty five minutes and for all I knew they could already be dead. I shuttered at the thought. 

I still couldn't understand her thoughts behind what she had just done. And I couldn't believe the way she had just played us. We were just trying to help her. I mean tricking us into thinking someone was in the house was clever but I wondered if she was as clever as I hopped she was. 

And to top it off she had stolen my car for the third fucking time in less than a week. I rolled my tongue across the inside of my jaw in an attempt to suppress the salty taste that threatened to rise behind that fact. 

"That's it!" I yelled spooking the shit out of Steelo who was still seated beside me. He jumped before looking at me as if I had lost my got damn mind. "Steelo you are a genius!" I yelled taking his head into my hands and roughly shaking it. "Everybody get ready. We about to head out." I announced gaining weird stares from my crew. I rose to my feet and quickly headed for my laptop. 

I'd find Shani the same way I had found her before. My car had a GPS tracker installed. 

That was how I found her the first time and why I had never made a big deal about where she was with my car. I always knew where it was. And wherever it was she was. And wherever she was Dani was. And wherever Dani was ... I needed to be. 


Filler Chapter but you can already see where this is headed. 

It's about to go down!


Thanks for reading 

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