Chapter 11

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I  awoke to an empty bed. I hadn't imagined I could sleep so well. In such a strange place and under these circumstances. But I had. And I must've needed it. Because the clock on the nightstand read a quarter till twelve. I lowkey wish Michael would have woke me up earlier. I hated sleeping in so late. I always felt like I had missed something I should have been awake to see. 

I decided to head back to the guest room to shower and change. On my way down the hall I over heard a few voices. Michael's being the most obvious so I figured all ways well for now. At least enough for me to take a quick shower. 

I entered the guest room and was sure to lock the door this time. I quickly stripped out of what little clothing I did have on. Heading to the bathroom and turning the shower on smolder. Then heading back out to find a decent change of clothes. I decided on a black tracksuit, wife beater and sneakers. 

The hot water felt so good against my cold skin. Michael's room was icy. But thankfully his body and bed had been warm. So very warm. 

For some reason or another his guest bathroom was fully stocked. Almost if someone had preoccupied it. He had all the soaps, shampoos and conditioners a black girl could ask for. So I took full advantage of it. Figuring that's what it was there for. And hopefully he wouldn't mind since I had neglected to grab any hygiene products from home in my haste. 

I dressed and rubbed my hand over my growling belly in an attempt to soothe it. I was starving and hoped like hell Michael and his boys had ordered some food. Or better yet saved me some. You know how men can be.

I jogged lightly down the steps but just loud enough to let my presence be known. Unlike Michael sneaking up on people wasn't my thing. Growing up the way I had I knew that that wasn't always taken so lightly. In this particular case it was better to be seen than heard. 

"Good afternoon guys." I chimed turning the corner where I found Michael, Darwin and a few unfamiliar faces. I smiled sweetly as I made my way into the living room. But to my surprise I wasn't greeted so warmly in return. Instead I was met with sorrow filled eyes that quickly turned away from my stares. This left me confused. 

"Shani! Hey! You're awake." Michael said heading over toward me. He rubbed his hands over my hair the way my father had before he told me something I didn't want to hear. I took note of that before glancing over the room full of men again. Each one of them evading my stare once again. Even Darwin this time.

"What's going on?" I questioned becoming very alarmed. Michael took my hand into his and   quickly pulled me into the foyer. He smoothed his hands over my hair again before placing his face very close to mine. My eyes gazing into his. It was only then that I realized I was hyperventilating. And he was staring into my eyes while gesturing for me to mimic his slow breathing. I took a deep breath and concentrated on my next few. Once he was satisfied he pulled me down the hall and into the kitchen. Which was full of food but I no longer found myself hungry. "What happened?" I asked preparing to hear the worst. The last time I walked into a room full of people and got that reaction I was a young girl and my mother had died. 

"Have a seat." He said beginning to softly pace the floor.

"But I don't want to have a seat. I want you to tell me what is going on." I countered. 

"Shani please." He begged. His tone alone made my knees buckle. So I sat. I watched him move about digging for something from underneath one of his counters. He resurfaced with my MacBook in hand. My eyes sparkled briefly I'm certain. I was happy to see it. Especially since I desperately needed it. But just as quickly as excitement entered me it was replaced with curiosity. And then fear. I didn't know what to say or ask first as my mind flooded with all sorts of thoughts. So I said nothing. I just waited for him to speak.

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