Chapter Three

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A/N: I'm sorry for the wait. I wrote this chapter probably ten times, totally unhappy with every version until this one. I had the worst case of writer's block! I didn't want to give y'all an awful chapter just because as I writer, I had hit a concrete wall. Then, all of a sudden, in class, I had inspiration and just took a new approach entirely. I like it better this way, it also moves things along a little bit. I don't want to have a 40 chapter book, so this just reduced it to probably.... 35 chapters... yeah.... 

Anway, read, enjoy and comment. I know many of you hate Leah, but for the few of her that don't, I'm glad.  I actually really love Leah. Yeah, she's pushy and nosy and all of those things that Jenna isn't, but that's kind of the point. And for all of you that are like, "if Jenna and Jason never get back together, I won't read this book!" I just want you to know, that I'm not 100% on the outcome of this story. So you'll have to read to find out because I don't even know and I'm the writer!

Also, a couple of you were asking about 20/20, a new book of mine. I've completed one chapter, but I'm going to write a bit more before I post anything so that I'll be able to post once a week instead of once every two months. Also, the next chapter should be up pretty soon, because I'm not stuck anymore, and now I'm in a mood to write. I know my character's personalities better after this chapter, as weird as that sounds, and so the writing comes more natural. In my creation of Leah, I was trying to get her just right and I think I got it! So! I hope y'all like it!


Also, 118 days until I turn 18 and 230 days until I graduate!


Chapter Three

I laid in bed, unable to fall asleep. I told Sam everything, and he didn’t hate me for it. He didn’t accuse me of killing my sister. He didn’t tell me how terrible of a person was. He didn’t care about my history. He accepted me for who I was, and while that terrified me, it also thrilled me. I had a friend here; someone that I knew I could trust, someone that I knew would be there for me.

I slipped on a pair of shoes and took another walk. The cool breeze and the quietness of the evening was soothing, and the perfect antidote to my recent insomnia. I hugged my jacket close to me, and meandered along the lit pathway. After awhile, I sat on one of the wrought iron benches that surrounded one of the many fountains. Pulling my knees to my chest, I breathed in the sweetness in the air. It smelt of freshly cut grass and a floral aroma that I couldn’t pinpoint.

“You always take walks by yourself at night?” A familiar voice asked from behind me. Jason sat down beside me, smiling broadly.

I grinned. “As of late I have been,” I said softly.

“Everything okay?”

I nodded and smiled. “Yeah, everything is fine.”

He looked at me skeptically. “I read an online article that said when a girl says she’s fine, she’s really not.”

I laughed. “You read an online article?”

He ran his hands through his hair and chuckled. “Yeah, I did.”

“Mind if I enquire why?”

He shrugged. “I was still in high school and I was in love with this girl that didn’t want me. So I googled how to flirt with her. It worked.” He grinned proudly. “I got the girl.”

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