Chapter 12

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-Alois's POV-

I moved my hand to the spider and let it crawl up my arm slowly. The spider felt strangely warm and welcoming, it gave me company, the company I needed. The company I yearned for. Felt very... familiar too in a way and I know all of this sounds crazy but it just feels like that. You wouldn't understand. I want it to stay with me.

The spider then jumped off my arm and went running outside from my window.

"No!" I exclaimed," Don't leave dammit!" I tried to catch it before it jumped off the balcony but reached too far which caused me to end up slipping off. Luckily, was able to get a hold of the edge.

I screamed as loud as I could, hoping that someone could hear me, "Somebody! Help me, please!!"

My grip was slowly slipping off, it was getting hard to keep myself from falling. 'God if I fall off from this height I surely wouldn't survive it.' I thought to myself, 'Oh well, it's not like people cared about me anyways. They all want me dead, no one would even save me if they saw me about to fall into my death.'

I tried pulling myself up but I failed to do so with only caused my grip to loosen more. I couldn't hold on any longer. It was too hard, I'm so weak. 'This is it. My life has come to an end now. Goodbye cruel world.'

I let out a piercing scream as I fell onto my death, or so I thought.

My head hit against a huge rock. The impact wasn't hard enough to make me die or something but hard enough to knock me out. Soon enough, everything went dark.

-Claude's POV-

As I was observing my young master I saw that he accidentally jumped off somehow. This stupid boy, oh how I love him.

I panicked a bit but decided not to interfere just yet and wait as it'll only end up bad for me but unfortunately, I waited too long and Alois fell off. I quickly went in and managed to catch him but I was a bit too late as he hit his head on a rock that was there. Good thing there wasn't an actual impact to the ground.

There was an unconscious dirty blonde in my arms now. Even when knocked out he looks adorable. I jumped up to his window to lay him on his bed, I don't want him to get into more harm.

As I laid Alois on his bed I sensed Hannah get close. God, she's so bothersome, I can't stand her I can't have one minute alone in peace because she's always being so nosy.

Hannah opened the door, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She got in an attack stance, ready to combat.

I adjusted my glasses, "I am simply just taking care of my highness. Something that you are failing to do, clearly based on the state the he is in just now." I calmly replied.

Hannah gasped, "What have you done to him?!" She snarled.

Hannah began walking towards me angrily, ready to slap me but I stopped her before she could do anything.

"Please stop behaving so irrationally and just listen to me," I spoke firmly, "He was about to die just now and all I did was save him. After all, a Trancy butler. I am his butler. I am only doing my job, something you can't properly do again."

Her expression turned furious upon hearing me. I could tell there was a bunch of things that she wanted to yell at me but contained herself. I smirked.

"Good. You're keeping quiet just like you're supposed to." She glared at me after I said that.

Right before Hannah was about to yell at me with her nonsense, Alois woke up. He groaned in pain and rubbed his head. Hannah and I both looked at him in shock that he woke up. Alois looked at us in confusion.

"Who are you two?"

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