Chapter Five

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Tony prides himself on being slightly less impulsive than he used to be. He likes to think that becoming a father changed him. Some things for the worse, but overall, most things for the better. You see, as a parent, you can never make a single decision without wondering how it will affect your child. And ever since Peter was born, he started to think his decisions through, make sure that there were no negative outcomes for Peter. And if there were, they were small enough or tame enough that Tony could deal with it.

Of course all rationality and decision making skills go out of the window when Peter is hurt or sad. He forgets what bad publicity will bring for ruining a bully financially. He forgets that threatening doctors and nurses will lead to a large news article and talk show hosts talking about weeks after the event.

Rhodey calls it his 'mama bear mode' and when he gets in it, nothing (and he means nothing) can stop him, lest it get obliterated in his path of destruction.

So when Peter finally manages to fall asleep (albeit fitfully) there isn't a single thing that can stop the pure rage that filters through him. Logically he knows that he shouldn't blame Rogers (well, the affair notwithstanding) but seeing the look on his son's face was enough for logic to be thrown clear out of the park.

He stomped up to where the rogues were having their dinner and slammed his fist down of the table, causing them to jump. "What right do you have?" he hissed at Steve, who was taken aback at the venom in Tony's voice.

"Tony?" Clint asked. "What are you doing?"

"How dare you!" Tony continued, Clint's question appearing to have fallen on deaf ears. "Of all the things, and today no less! Do you have any idea how upset he is? What were you thinking? Oh, I'm sorry, you weren't! Idiota figlio di puttana, non hai cervella?"

"Stark! Calm down! What's your problem?" Natasha demanded.

"My problem? My problem is that this stronzo decided to tell Peter about the affair!" Tony cried. Natasha looked confused.

"He didn't know?" she asked.


"Why were you keeping that from him?" Clint asked.

"I wasn't. He never asked, and I assumed he didn't care. I didn't know he wanted to know. I would've told him," Tony said, shooting a glare at Steve. "In a more sensitive way. He just cried himself to sleep you cazzo virtuoso."

Steve swallowed guiltily. "I didn't mean to...I just...he wanted to know so I--"

"Yeah well now I need you to do us both a favor and back off." Tony said.


"Whatever, I'm busy. Stay away from my kid." and with that Tony spun on his heels and marched out of the room, leaving them in stunned silence.


"Wait, so he cheated?" Ned asked. Peter nodded glumly, looking down at the chemistry worksheet in front of him. The problems were basic and he had already solved them all in his head, but he still had to write them down. He had confided in Ned about the conversation he had with Steve and asked for advice. "That sucks. I'm sorry, man."

"What should I do?" he asked. "I mean, what do I do now?"

"I don't know, what do you think you should do?" Ned asked, finishing his calculations and writing them down on his paper. "He's your dad."

"I just...I don't understand why I'm so angry with him, you know?" Peter admitted. "I mean, it all happened when I was just a baby. It didn't even affect me."

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