Chapter Three

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The rogues were awoken bright and early at 6 AM to the sound of heavy footsteps upstairs and shouting. Steve sleepily shuffled into the kitchen where Natasha and Clint sat around the breakfast table. Sam stood at the stove frying eggs.

"Good morning," Steve yawned. Natasha nodded in his direction and he slumped into a chair.

"PETER BENJAMIN STARK YOU WILL EAT YOUR BREAKFAST OR I'LL SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT!" a slightly muffled scream was heard. The group looked up, shocked at the noise that was coming through the floor. The penthouse was right above them.

"I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" was Peter's response. There was louder footsteps as they ran around upstairs. Steve ignored it, nursing a strange pang in his stomach with a cup of coffee when a pair of footsteps running down the stairs that connected the Avenger's living floor to the penthouse shocked him out of his sleep-induced stupor.

The rogues turned around in surprise, not expecting anyone on the penthouse to come down. (Tony wouldn't be caught dead down here unless he thought Peter was down here. And Rhodes would stick with his best friend and Peter wouldn't come down here as not to worry his father of uncle) A very frantic Peter raced downstairs, ignoring the shocked rogues.

He ran into the kitchen and rummaged around in the cabinets, muttering a frantic 'excuse me' to Sam as he threw open a cabinet above Sam's head. "Where is it?!" he cried.

"Woah there, kiddo," Steve said, swallowing his excitement at being able to see and talk to his son. "What are you looking for?"

Peter glanced at him and then averted his gaze. "My energy bars, I thought I left them down here. I usually have them for breakfast because Dad can't cook--unless it's from a recipe from Nonna, but he tries, but I can't remember where I put them and Dad doesn't want me to eat them for breakfast anymore because he thinks it isn't healthy but--"

"PETER YOU BETTER NOT BE DOWN THERE LOOKING FOR THOSE DAMNED ENERGY BARS!" came Tony's voice from upstairs. Peter made a squeak as he ducked behind the island just as Tony stormed into the room.

He was wearing a pair of flannel pajama pants and an AC/DC T-shirt that he had bought at a concert that he had taken Peter to. His hair was tousled from constantly tugging at it and it took the rogues by surprise to see Tony in something so casual. They never expected to see that ever again. Not since the split.

Tony looked around but didn't see his mischievous son anywhere. He ignored the states from his ex-family and looked up at the ceiling impatiently. "Well, I guess since Peter's not here I'll just tell Uncle Rhodey that Family Movie Night has been cancelled. Goodbye Obi Wan-Kenobi."

Peter jumped up from behind the island with ferocity. "That's not fair!" he cried. "Your cooking sucks!"

Tony sucked in a mock offended gasp. "You dare?" he cried, covering his arc reactor with his hand. "I am your father. The disrespect. From my own mini-me!"

"Sorry dad, but it's true." Peter said, crossing his arms and sticking his tongue out. He then looked towards the rogues. "Tell him."

"Sorry bambi, I've never cooked for them before," Tony says with a triumphant grin. "I only cook for the people I love."

Steve swallowed dryly and averted his gaze down to the coffee in front of him.

"Oh," Peter said softly. He leaned against the island and the kitchen fell into an awkward silence.

"Boss," FRIDAY said, interrupting the silence and Tony let out an almost unnoticeable sigh in relief, almost. Natasha narrowed her eyes at the sound. "I have been instructed by Colonel Rhodes to inform Peter of the time."

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