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The day Tony lost him, was also, coincidentally, the day everything started going right. Sure, losing your husband to a long lost friend (who Tony knew he was being cheated on with) sucked. And having your husband also walk out on their nine-month old baby also sucked. But the journey of fixing everything, correcting everything, that. That didn't suck.

So when Tony was forced to work with his now ex-husband still, everytime the world was in "danger", he could go home to his baby and play patty-cake or whatever game made him laugh the most and fall asleep, at peace with having his family.

And when his ex-husband left to fix everything that was wrong with his mentally unstable friend, Tony got through it like a champ, kissing Peter's little toes and singing italian lullabies to make him fall asleep, and dumping all of his alcohol down the drain because he would be damned if he let himself become just like Howard.

And throughout everything, all the tears, all the heartbreak, all the pain, his true family (the ones that would never leave him) stuck through it with him.

And he got better.

And he was finally happy again.

So of course it all went to shit.

That's just how the world works for Tony.

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