chapter 4

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David's pov:

Unlike any other day i actually woke up early. On the digital clock it was 8:25am school didn't start until 9:45. I didn't know much time i had but Beggars can't be choosers. The time looked more then enough. For the time being; i should text Carson telling him that we'll go to school together.

Text: send
To carson
"Yo wake the fuck up. Were heading to school."

As if carson could text in second there was a message received.

From Carson
"Let's pray the apocalypse, Don't show up or ice in the antarctica melts."

At getting this message i was lost of words. I could understand shit talk when i see it. By the headache this gave me. I decided just to ignore any hidden meaning of it. It was just better to get in the shower and get ready for the new day.

After a while in the shower i got out and got ready to change. There they were those evil, disgusting, vile boxer briefs.

This sucks out of all things that were clean it just had to be the boxers I hate the most. They were kid like Johnny Bravo boxer briefs. That for all that was good in the world. Why did i have to buy this? Like seriously year ago me just had to think this was cool. I could see it now. Year ago me trying to be my hero while doing the pose "thank you very much". My god, this is embarrassing and funny at the thought of it. I'll just try to put this in the side of my mind.

While putting on the boxer briefs. Once i look at myself in the mirror, i cant lie, i looked good. I just had to do it just once. So i looked back at the window making sure Victoria wasn't there. Looks clear, i point my hands in a gun motion. Like Han Solo, while doing my best Johnny Bravo impression "hey there pretty lady". That's when i hear her laughing her ass off. I turned around "go ahead let it out". Shes completely dressed with a heavy metal t-shirt, black torn jeans, and red leather boots. She was on the floor with tears coming down her eyes, rolling on the floor. " hey there pretty lady.( mimicking my Johnny Bravo) even did a pose..icanrt.. can't look like a idiot...stop.i.cant..breathed. please no more".

Carson's pov:

I was coming up to David's room. When i heard from what i believe Victoria screaming, laughing and begging to stop. I put my ear on the door. Trying to get a better grip of my situation. Knocking on the door "Yo david you good bro?". To my surprise he answered "ya come right in". I don't know about that. Sounds pretty bad but fuck it. I slowly open the door. That was when, I was greeted with david in the most dumbest looking Johnny Bravo boxers I've ever seen. He has no shirt, no pants, just him and his boxer's.

David liked at me "dont laugh" more like threatened me.

I just answer with a joke trying not to laugh "it's fine I'm sure Victoria likes what she sees". At this Victoria stops laughing and yells from the other side of the open window "i do not!!!". I just look at her "oh really so how long were you there?".

I could see her face get red and began hissing at me "he left the window open!". Thats when i just try to low key help my bro but more like messed with them "so how much did you see?". This was when Victoria & david turn as red as her hair. She got one of her many pillows and tryed to throw it at me. I'm not stupid, i just moved out the way and saw it hit David in the place the sun don't shine.

David got on his knees holding the pillow to his balls "the dick, why is it to the dick?". I smiled at the site looking upon David on the floor. While Victoria is trying to ask for forgiveness "I'm sorry david please forgive me!". I just took it upon myself to break the ice "yo so Victoria. Me and David are walking down to school. How about you join us on are way?".

She just stood there speechless. Like what i just said was something out of this world. I just asked again waving my hand in front of her "you, David and me to school". She came to "well i quess..if David wants". That's when i looked between the two "then how about we get something to eat and head out together".

Turning around i began to head down not trying to deal with their shit anymore. Before i can reach the door i hear Victoria yell "can we stop by a friends house!". I just open the door and walk down yelling back "if you don't waste our time anymore!".

Here i am down stairs waiting for David to finish. I see David's mother and father come out of the kitchen. His dad just smiles at me and walks away. David's mom comes to hug me "Carson it's so good to see you". As long as Elementary school when my family moved nextdoor. She'd always come over to hang with my mother; when she was still with us. Ever since she passed away in my freshman year in high school, Mrs. Martinez would just come over and invite me to eat with them.

Responding to her and getting back to her "you too, how's it going with everything?". She laughs "can you believe that David's been asking for us to get him a car?". David's dad jumps in the conversation "no way in hell am i going to help him get those random bitchs at school". I like to call them 'groupies' but thats another word for them. I decided to tell them about David trying to get with Victoria. I smiled " well David's always had a crush on Victoria since middle school but has just now decided to actually try to go out with her". At this i saw the father laugh "so just now that idiot of a kid decided to realize the truth". His mom was smiling from ear to ear "thats great news i got to tell Mr. And Mrs. Gonzales and began the planing to get them together!".

That was when Mr. Martinez decided to add a simple and yet heavy question "so kid how's your father been?". These words were hard to answer my father didn't even come home most nights. Like yesterday for example, he wasn't there when I fell asleep or when i woke up. My dad was either at work or out with some woman he meet at a bar. All i could do was hope that he was ok. Mr. Martinez knew the answer just from looking at me "forget it..just let time take its course".

Mr. Martinez was a good guy in my book. What made it funny was that he was a counselor for relationship counseling. So he was smart unlike his son David that failed all his classes in last week's tests. David's dad asked another question "so do you know what grades my kid got?". That was when i knew we had enough discussion between topics. I take out my phone and pretend to panic about the time "David we got to go hurry up!!!".

David came running down the stairs with his Nike blue sport bag in his side "how do i look". He was wearing dark blue jeans, black shoes and a black t-shirt. It wasn't anything special but the colors gave him a punkish rocker kind of look. Weird on him because he never dressed like this before. That was when his mom came up and hugged him "I'm sure she'll love it!!". The dad kicked in mid second "you look better then before". That was when David gave me the look 'you told them!?'. I gave him the 'you will thank me later look'.

I was saved by the bell when Victoria came in though the door "hey guys lets head out". That was when i saw her look at David. More like check him out "y-you look good dude" her eyes went up and down slow. That was when Mrs. Martinez committed in "you look beautiful dear. Right David?". David jumped at the question but was able to answer honestly "y-ya you look pretty...". Seeing red her face turn red like her red hair made me laugh in a make fun of them kind a way. That was when she gave me a deathglare. If looks could kill i be dead "don't push your luck carson". I just took a step back trying to be aware of 'Gorilla Girl'.

In case you haven't gotten the clue, we all know each other. I hanged with rockers because in middle school i made friends with her but more like allies. That was when i realized that she and David had the 'hots' for each other. She came up to me asking what kind of girl David liked. When we were in Elementary i would go to David's house to hang. She would always be there and hugging all over him. At those times i would make small jokes like calling her 'Gorilla Girl'. She would kick my ass all the time to. Like sounds funny ya but to this day i still have trauma.

When i think of it i probably should have realized it sooner. The whole liking David thing, she would come over as kids to hug him almost all the time. But you know kids at the age didn't understand the opposite sex or the fact that boys and girls together thing. It wasn't until 12 years of age and puberty hit then it all came together.

Well i just remind everyone to go because we still had one more person to pick up.
To be continued....

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