Chapter 2

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Carson's p.o.v

I'm just standing there looking like a complete ass of myself. That girl is nowhere to be seen and I got all this mess on me. At least I got burgers today and not chicken pasta. Then that would have become an even crazier why to spend my day.

What makes this sadder is that everyone else is eating lunch to day, staring and talking about me. I don't care what they have to say but in the end it does get on my nerves. I just try to head for the exit.

A yelling voice comes out of no where "don't you move another step kid!". I know that voice anywhere and it's not David but the principal of this stupid school. I don't move a muscle and just stand there waiting for punishment to begin.

Once the principal gets to me and noticed who the person behind the trouble was. He just nods, looks down once and then back up to me "let's head to the office Carson". I follow without any words.

While going inside the school by the cafeteria. I see a glance of David mouthing the words "what the hell happened". I just smirk and continue on. Funny I know, out of all the people out there he cares. I guess no matter what he is my best friend after all.

We continue though the school and enter the principles office. He closes the door behind me and takes a set at his desks. I take a seat on the chair in front of him and began my explanation "sir I know this looks bad but I was trying to protect a female student".

He looks mad but worried at the same time "Carson, it's always the same thing. Every time a girl gets hurt you always have to start some fight. Can't you ever leave it to the teachers and myself?".

I know that he cares a lot about the school and students but when it comes down to it. My body moves on it's own. "Sir I'm sorry but when I see someone try to mess with someone else. I just can't stop myself and do nothing".

He nods at my words and smiles bitterly divided by choosing what to do "your a good kid Carson. Not many like you out there but I need proof that your story is true. If you could? Can you give me the name of the girl. So I can call her up here and confirm your story as true".

"I wish I could but I never got a name from her". I could still remember her though. She had black crazy hair, nardy eye glasses, Brown/chocolate eyes and of course a soft voice that can make every man fall for her. Dame of all the things I could do I would go back in time and ask her, "if she could give me her name?". With all of that the only thing that makes me mad is that she left me with the aftermath of the trouble.

The principal and I were interrupted by a female student running inside the room. Not just any girl but the same black crazy haired girl I meet a couple of minutes ago. At this my heart probably stopped for a minute, until remembering to continue on. Good thing it remembered to start up again because they would have to call the ambulance.

"Please sir he was just trying to protect me! Please don't punish him for that!" She made One hell of a entrance if I might say. The only thing I could think of is my savior.

The principal simply reviewed what was going on with him in his surroundings "miss, it's good that you came in. Please be seated besides Carson here."

She nodded and sat down "thank you for the offer". It was then I noticed that she was holding a tray of food and by the looks of it two burgers, fries and a tea. She then looked at me with a agonising face with words "I'm so sorry about what happened to you and your meal".

I smiled "it's nothing, as long as nothing happened to you". I know that sounded pretty cheesy but what else could I respond. That was the only thing I could come up with.

She smiled "I bought a new meal to replace the old one".

I grinned like a idiot "awesome but did you already eat?". As much as I would love to eat it up and leave no survivors. I had to make sure that she was alright.

She smiled "I didn't have enough for both. So I made sure to at least buy yours". When she said that how could I let her eat nothing. I decided to take it another way.

I nodded "then why not eat it together? There's enough for you and I". I felt my face heat up after saying that. God, knows I looked as dumb as David. For all I know she could think I was some kind of creep trying to hit on her. Oh how much I wanted to take that back and pretend I never said it.

She giggled a bit "I would love to eat with you after this". With that I could had died a million times and still come back to life. Just to have that one meal.

(Cough, cough, cough)

I was about to reply but the principal faked coughed reminding me that we were in his office. "As much I would love to see you two hit it off. I need to hear your side of the story first". Talk about being a cock block. I couldn't say that of course so I let it side for now.

I didn't say anything and just let her tell her side of the story. She started it by saying that she was on her way to get something to eat but she bumped into three guy's. That turned on her saying they were going to make her pay. While running away from them. She hit me by accident and asked me for help. The rest is "you know"....

The principal thought about the story and nodded looking up the three football players on the computer. He believed the story but asked one more question that even i wanted to know. "Thank you for confirming Carson's story. But if you would let me ask what is your name?".

She smiled "My name is Rachel Flores. I am a junior this year. Thank you for asking."

The principal nodded "thank you for your time. You two may go.".

With that Rachel and I walked out of the office and headed to the cafeteria to eat together. We talked about a couple of things. Some of them were about anime, music, and of course movies. I told her that mine were "DBZ", rock music, and "star wars". She said that hers was "say I love you", country music, and "lord of the rings". Since we liked most of the same things we got along. The only bad thing was that we had to head back to class. Making are time to talk short. I decided to walk her to class to spend more time with her. Once we got to her class I decided to ask her. "Hey hanging out with you is one of the most fun times I ever had. Would you like to hangout more with me?"

She giggled again, nodding "yes, I would love to talk with you again. Would u like to hang at school during lunch or somewhere?"

I grinned like a idiot for the second time in my life not even knowing that I could "sure lunch time in school you and I will hangout. If you would mine me asking you would you like to go out on a d-date this Saturday weekend with m-me?"

She smiled and let out one soft giggle "sure see you next time later"

She left without any other word. At that time I realized that there were people laughing at me. That's when I remembered that I still had a messed up shirt on. Now that I realise everyone else I look around and see David smiling like a idiot as always. Knowing him he was going to ask me something stupid.

He walked up to me and put a hand on my right shoulder "if you don't mind. Can you tell me who the girl is? My one and only antisocial personality of a best friend.". Wow for one hell of an idiot. I did not think he knew words with more then three syllables. I guess if you tell a dog over and over. Then they will start to learn a new trick by sometime in ones life.

I started for the exit while talking to David behind me "Looks like I got one hell of a story to tell you at work today after school but before that let me go home to get out of these clothes.". David nodded and we headed for the exit and left for the day.

Sorry for the chapter's being short as hell. Hope that you all like the story. Later

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