chapter 3

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David's pov:

Here we were at the bookstores or what i call a part-time job. Carson's organizing anime or what he calls manga. If you ask me, they just look like comics books. It wasn't bad, they were the same to me. I speck up "yo bro start working on the magazines out front".

Carson just looks back "why not just do it yourself"?

I laughed smugly "well your already working at the front and i have to be captain of the cash register. Manager said not to leave it just in case for customers". Using this card, was a get out of work free card.

Carson just gave me that suck a dick look "ya what ever...dick". He just walked to his side and took five steps; beginning organizing the stacks of magazines.

Grinning like an idiot. I just had to remark "don't worry it's all for the best. how about you explain to me. How you of all people actually got a girl". At this i saw carson twitch at the question. Which was also funny, If i might add.

Carson just stood there dumbfounded for the first time in our life. For someone who thinks he's so smart. He's actually an idiot when it comes to people. He ain't got nothing when it comes to socializing like me.

Before carson had a chance to respond. Mark The manager and senior this year at school heard it from the back office "No way!! my boy be pulling some!!". Mark came rushing out front. Going to Carson and putting him in a headlock "my god, I got to tell my girlfriend all about this! Little Carson becoming a man".

Carson laughed "dude let go... you're squishing..My..Head". Like always this was the only place Carson can connect, with us. I knew it was good for the both of us.

Carson might come across as mad, Moody, kinda an ass at times but when we come here we can be are selves.

Mark lets go of Carson's head "sorry im just so happy for u! I mean it's not all the time i hear y'all socializing with the crowd. Or going on dates with girls".

I speck up " what about me I'm always telling you about my dates."

Mark just shrugs It Off " I mean meaningful dates. Not one night stands".

Turning my head joking "I thought they were meaningful".

Mark joked "oh really if the girls you went out with were so special. Mind telling us their names?."

Responding to his question. I played along "I don't like where this is going. Because it's just to many, Give me a minute".

I'm not tryin to be some kind of jerk. But you can tell that those girls at school didn't even care who they were hanging around with. Only thing these girls cared about was if being with me would make them higher in the social status. They were the kind of people that only thought about themselves. Even if they had a chance. Which trust me, they didn't. Would come to me saying ("if we were together, we would look so cute and everyone would be so jealous"). To tell you the truth i hated those bitchs.

All i could do was admit defeat for this time "you win bro"

Carson knew what's up and looked at me "you good bro?"?

I replied as i always do "enough about me let's get on with your date".

Carson justified himself " well it's my first date. It's Happening on the weekend, Saturday. With this girl named Rachel Flores. And since it's only Monday today, tomorrow at school. I'll ask her where she'll like to go".

Mark just busted out in laughter "look at you, you sound like a schoolgirl". He and i couldn't stop laughing at Carson. It was all fun a games until mark took one step too far "did you at least tell your daddy and momm...". Mark just had to be a party pooper and shit on are parade.

David towards mark "dude not cool"

Carson just trying to Slug It Off "it cool I'll make sure to tell dad. If i get the chance."

I just let it go to. The time was already 9:30pm closing time was in 30 minutes at 10pm. "alright just finish cleaning and let's head the fuck home". Me and Carson stop talking and finish. While the manager goes the back to finish paperwork.

Mark yells " just head on out!!! Take care bros!!! Make sure to leave the door unlocked!!!".

At this time me and Carson are on are way out. Thats when we saw why mark wanted the door unlocked. Me and Carson looked at the head cheerleader. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and yes she was in her cheerleading uniform. She walk pass us without a single word. Locked the door we just came out of, looked at us, smiled and mouth 👄 "get lost". She then proceed to turn the lights off front and walked into the back office. We just turned around and knew it was better to head home.

We just head on out walking to are homes. Its pretty quiet between us. So i just had to ask "so this Rachel girl. I see that your into nerds. What do you see in her? You don't mind me asking?".

Carson takes a deep breath "she seems pretty shy and down to earth. Not fake like some people in school. You should probably look for a girl thats like that. Instead of looking at those "groupies" you know".

I just bust out laughing. Not one of those fake laughs people give out of kindness but one true laugh. "I bet that be something". I never told Carson about my first love. Never had the guts to tell him.

That was when Carson read my mind. We stop walking, speechless for what felt like an eternity.
He spoke up " you think I haven't noticed you looking at that redhead rocker girl since we were in Middle School. Or how you two were like childhood friends since elementary. Hell she lives on the side of you. At your window side. Or how you sometime watch her slee...p". Carson stopped right there and looked at me in the eye. " stop being a pussy dude".

Within seconds were home. Carson and i get ready to walk are Separate Ways. Before spitting up from each other. We both give a fist bump and walk inside each others homes for the day.

I went up to my room upstairs were my window was open toward her. I see her sleeping. Its been god knows how long since we last talked. I could wonder and imagine a thousand scenarios. Were i open a conversation just to speak too her. Were we can just laugh like nothing happened and watch TV. As you know the works.

I remember carson telling me not to be a pussy and just call out. Even if she's asleep maybe if i call out she would respond? There I am deciding severely. "I should, i shouldn't, i should, i shouldn't,(ex.back& fourth)". My phone goes off its Carson. I pick up thinking nothing as a reason for him to call me "yo carson whats u....". I dont get a chance to finish.

Carson: "dude, hurry up and decide I'm trying to sleep!! Don't be a bitch!!!!" I can hear him yelling from his side nextdoor.

David:"sorry, Carson..i.." thats all i say when he hangs up. He doesn't even want to listen.

That's when i hear small gentle laughs almost like hums. Thats when i look at my open window side. Right when Victoria and her red hair dark Brown eyes; look straight at me into my eyes  "hey jock mind being quiet. I really want some shut eye.".

There are no words to make this any less awkward "yeah sorry Victoria". I'm just trying to wash off the awkwardness. Thats when she smiles and head back to bed. Like as if nothing happened. I decided this was a good place as any to sleep.
To be continued.....

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