♥Secret Four♥

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Skaii, Jamie, Abbey and Jacquie have been friends for like ever. They always went to the same school, they were in the highest classes. They all loved music, they signed up for every single music class in the school. They knew how to play almost every single instrument, they were all 17 years old. They go to a school named SSA: Shining Sea Academy. They were in the same dorm room. Every time they were in class they would sit in a four group table, just them. They dressed like twins when they were in school. The only difference was their hair styles.

                                                                Let Me Describe Them

Skaii: Long Blond Hair, Eyes As Blue As The Sea. Play full and likes to sing.

Jamie: Short Blond Hair, Bright Brown Eyes. Likes playing the drums.

Abbey: Short Brown Hair, Bright Brown Eyes. Likes To Play The Guitar.

Jacquie: Long Black Hair, Shiny Blue Eyes. Likes To Play The Piano.

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