Chapter One

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Chapter One

*I'm The Joker*

Nothing is more annoying, like that itch on your back you can't reach annoying, than taking a test, ninth period, on a Friday afternoon. For lack of a better word, it really sucks. Take it from me, being forced to focus on bubbling in answers on your scantron, when outside the whole world is rubbing in how nice the sunshine is...

It's downright rude.

Five minutes. In five minutes, Mr. Edwards will stop glaring at us with paranoid suspicion that we are all finding someway to cheat until his scrutinizing glare. In five minutes we would be done with this test and free from school for two glorious days. Yup. In five minutes, I'd be alone in the lower annex Art Room, painting to my heart's content.

Just five, painfully slow, minutes.

Brushing aside the eraser shavings from my test paper, I lazily checked over my answers for last minute revisions. Not to brag, but God gifted me with a pretty good brain, so I knew math like the back of my hand. It came naturally to me, like the ways my fingers knew how to carefully tease the colors on a canvas.

"Alhamdulillah," as my friend Hafsa would say. Satisfied with my answers, my eyes flicked over to the clock while I absentmindedly doodled. I was in the process of drawing some pretty intricate flowers when a swish of auburn hair caught my attention. Carefully eyeing Mr. Edwards, who was busy glaring at no one in particular, I sneaked a look to my left to catch Beth's twinkling green eyes.

'What d'ya think?' She mouthed from her spot two seats away from me. I gave her a subtle thumbs up and pointed discreetly at her. 'You?'

Beth beamed and made a bunch of random hand signals, all which seemed positive. I hope. I don't really know what a finger turkey is supposed to mean.

I suppressed a chuckle. Beth has yet to master the art of subtlety. I wasn't surprised though, Beth was the kind of girl who just couldn't keep quiet. Beth even dressed loud-take today, she'd woven neon yellow ribbons in her long auburn hair-and that was the normal part. She'd then matched the ribbons with this gauzy neon pink and green polka-dot clown skirt, striped leggings and a sleeveless collar shirt. Oddly enough, she managed to pull it off.

"Miss Jackson, is there a reason as to why you are... erm bouncing in your seat during an exam?" Mr. Edwards inquired, his eyes were furrowed but his lips twitched up in a smile. That's the thing about Beth, you can't help but love her. Being one who loved the spotlight, Beth grinned from ear to ear and nodded. Idiot. Before he could speak again, Beth cut in.

"It's just that I have a good feeling about this test, especially since I didn't study—at all." Mr. Edwards smiled in spite of himself, running a hand through his gray-streaked hair. "Well then, I'll take care to pay special attention to your test." Beth nodded, unfazed that he'd be grading her exam first. Checking his watch, he finally stood up stiffly and announced the end of the test.

"Time. You may put your pens down. I will come around to collect your papers." He circled the classroom in long strides, stacking the test papers in his arms. When everyone's exam paper was collected, he clipped the stack and nodded to the door, "You are dismissed. Have a productive Friday."

The class let out a collective cheer as everyone paraded out to the California sunshine. Thankfully there wasn't any home room on Fridays, so I quickly sped over to my locker dodging the crowds of both relieved and stressed high school students alike. Just as my lock clicked open, a hand clamped down on my arm, startling the lock put of my hand and onto the floor. Conveniently on my foot. It hurt, a lot.

"Taryn! Are you okay?!" Beth asked with concern etched onto her face. Wincing, I tried to massage my throbbing toes. When it became evident my efforts were wasted, I returned to stuffing my books into my locker. Once everything was packed, I grabbed my portfolio ready to bolt down the hallway to the elevators.

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