Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

*Fiber One Bars*

I am going to kill Gavin.

If only it didn't hurt my chances in Heaven. Or land me in jail.

But still, I might just end up murdering the kid. I had just come out of Mr. Davis' class fuming with frustration. Our project is very simple; we have to present a creative demonstration of an already established chemical process or law. A surprisingly easy project coming from Mr. Davis. So no, the project isn't the problem. My partner is.

Gavin, that flob, told me that he can't do the project. The reason for why he "can't" is yet to be revealed to me. On top of that, he explained that I have to take care of it or we'll both fail. See, I usually have a system when it comes to group projects, the half and half. It has nothing to do with tea, rather, it works as a great way of dividing the work. Isn't that the point of group work? It's a system that's worked out four years running, since middle school. And now Gavin just had to ruin it.

Maybe I just hate group work in general.

Honestly I don't get why he was insistent on not working on it; I'm sure he's not completely incompetent. It also didn't help that he was convinced that I am actually fired from Paris Baguette. I growled in frustration, my chemistry project wasn't the only thing frustrating me lately. What with Karyn forgetting to pick up Ollie again, my supposed dismissal from a job I didn't even get to work one day and yesterday's event-

Oh God.

Yesterday. Hafsa. Mikail.

The reality of seeing him was like a bucket of cold water thrown into my face at four in the mourning. Completely unexpected and mind boggling. Mikail, Hafsa's brother Mikail. He's like a second brother to me, not too long ago this was a kid who was fascinated with drawing Pokémon. And now, it had taken all my strength and then some, to hold back Hafsa from jumping out and throttling him for what he did.


The question echoed in my mind every time I reflected back to yesterday's event. He was so young, a fourteen year old freshmen, not even into a full year of high school yet. What could cause him to act that way? And why? Oh God why?

Overwhelmed with emotion I vented out my feeling by stomping down the emptying hallways, causing people to jump out of the way and shooting me looks that seemed torn on whether to call down a physiatrist or animal control. Blushing from the bewildered looks, I quickly slipped into the stairway.

All my anger melted away as I stared at the numerous steps of the staircase I'd have to take. I'd have to handle Gavin later, right now there was a certain guidance counsellor I had to talk to. With that thought in mind I began they long climb up to the seventh floor.

I finally pushed back the door to the desired floor, panting slightly with confusion as I realized that I had no idea what room my counselor was in. I cast a furtive glance down the hallway line neatly with eight identical doors that gave no indication of the counselor inside.

It was a good thing that I'd decided to come my lunch period since it looked like I'd be up here for a while. I slipped my arm through the other strap of my heavy book bag before walking up to the first door and knocking hesitantly on they surface. No answer. Undetermined by the lack of response, I deftly turned the knob and pushed it open to a large and rather comfy office. Seated in front of a computer holding a styrofoam cup labeled "sweet tea", was a petite woman who looked up at me with surprise. Definitely not Mr. L.

For one, he's supposed to be a guy.

"May I help you?" She asked in a surprsingly loud voice.

"Yes, I'm looking for Mr. LaCarruba?"

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