Conflict Arise

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All night Bonnie had tossed and turned, who had pushed who away over the years? Maybe Tyler was right, she had always pushed people away, but so had he, but wasn't their actions over the years just that of teenage innocent and experience?

They had come together 7 years ago because they had both felt so alone in their lives. Then the last time, 6 years ago, when the triplets had been conceived had been after Caroline's baby shower, and simply because it had been awhile for both of them and they were both upset with Matt.

Rubbing her eyes she swung her feet over the side of the bed and stood up, shivering as the cold of the wooden floor boards tickled her feet. She'd have to get a rug for this side of the bed. Making her way to the washroom that attached itself to her room Bonnie quickly washed herself up, the kids would be awake soon, it was a good thing she had mastered 10 minute showers over the years.

Bonnie stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around her and made her way towards her suitcase pulling out a pair of ripped jeans and then pulled on a soft pale green sweater before slipping into her trusty ugg boots.

Making her way to the mirror Bonnie pulled her comb through her hair. It had grown nearly half way down her back the past couple years and quite often spent its time tied in a knot on top of her head, today she took the time to tie it in a French braid before making her way out of the room

Bonnie stopped in her tracks for a moment starring at the door of what had been Tyler's for the night. With a sigh she shut the door to her room, why did this time feel so different?

She had to shake her head free of the worry, they had children to put first no matter what was going on between the two of them.

Making her way to the where the children had slept. Panic surged through her the spell had been dropped, she swung open the door wide eyed but calmed when she found the kids laughing.

"No way daddy! That's mine!" Lexa's laughter filled the room

"Well how about this one? It's my colour isn't it?"

Livy covered her mouth with her hands shaking her head "that's mine! You can't where those, they wouldn't fit you anyways"

"And they are girl colours" Ben wrinkles his nose, but a smile was plastered across his face.

Bonnie leaned against the door way, much like Tyler had the night before and just watched the scene play out in front of her, her heart warming.

What ever happened between them lastnight, the kids were oblivious to it and hadn't been effect. Tyler was making on like nothing had changed, she'd do the same, and he was making is easy already. Seeing him with their kids melted her heart every time. Who ever would have thought that the thing to undo Tyler Lockwood would be children.

"Hey mom, what do you think?" Tyler asked holding up a pink dress covered with butterflies and holding it against his chest. "I would rock it wouldn't I?"

"Hmmmm..." Bonnie Smirked making her way towards him. She tugged lightly at the hem of it "I think we could probably add a little fabric here and then try. I think you could pull it off daddy" she laughed lightly.

For a moment their eyes found one another but Tyler quickly looked away laughing himself as he handing the dress to Livy, who laughed grabbing it and stuffing it in her suitcase.

The kids had all been showered and dressed already and the only thing left was the girls hair.

"Daddy said we are meeting Matt today, is that true?" Bennett asked, neatly reorganizing his suitcase. "What?" He asked gazing into the empty air beside him "oh, yeah sure!"

Moonlight PathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon