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Alaric lead Bonnie, Tyler and the kids towards the rooms he had found for them in the west wing of the school. Normally the kids all resided in the same area of dorms, but he though long and hard on the best place to put them, and with the particular gifts the kids held he thought maybe they should be in an area where they could bunk them close to their parents.

The west wing was seldom used as it was part of the main house, and the one thing him and Caroline had agreed on was that some parts of the house would be only for those of them who had held a connection to the Salvatore brothers. It was also closer to where Alaric and Caroline both resided, they'd be sharing a kitchen.

"So you can't have Stefan's room, Caroline claimed that years ago, and I have Damon's, but I dare say you both will remember the rooms I show you" Alaric chuckled "Jermey is just down the hall that way, we kinda keep this general area for family, our girls are in the room they always had here down that way" Alaric pointed down in the opposite direction of Jeremy's. "It's by the music room but it's rarely used by even us. We figured we'd put the kids in here, it's the old sitting room, figured three kids need a decent size room. Now we don't have the beds in it yet but we will get them first thing tomorrow, there is two couches and a small cot we brought in." Alaric pushed open the French doors across from the music room and flicked on the light "I'll have it cleaned throughly tomorrow as well"

The kids walked in with ease and after a moment Bonnie and Tyler left them to explore the room. Following Alaric to the rooms just down the hall. Bonnie had to laugh with the room Alaric had given her, it had been her room when she was in the prison world. She nodded and walked in.

Tyler's room had actually been across the hall from Bonnie's. They didn't know if they'd stay living here or if they'd move into Lockwood mansion, which if Tyler had it his way they would have already been at the Lockwood mansion.

"Okay so I'll leave you all to get settled, if you need anything Caroline and I are both just on the other side of the house. We can have the kids start classes tomorrow, and we can all get to work on the Celtic histories at the same time?"

"Thanks Alaric," Bonnie nodded with a smile

"Welcome home guys" Alaric couldn't help but smile as he walked away .

"So Jeremy is onhis way up with all the begs, did you want to get the kids ready for bed? Or would you like me to?" Tyler asked tapping his phone in his hand

"I can, I know you were getting hungry, I'm sure you could find something in the Salvatore kitchen" Bonnie offered

"Sure I'll be in to say goodnight to them in a little?" Tyler said nodding as they both made there way back towards the room that was temporarily going to be their children's.

Before Tyler walked away Bonnie grabbed his arm until he looked at her "come on Ty we've been doing this for five years, I know you don't like this, but honestly our kids need this, they can't keep living in secret and not be able to be their true selves, and for once my Gram's books don't have all the answers, we can't protect them on our own anymore, not even from themselves. You seen how easily Lexa disobeyed us with giving Caroline the feelings of her loved ones, they need to learn better control and understand their powers." Bonnie swallowed not liking the silence she was getting from Tyler.

When he just stood their not looking at her for several moments Bonnie made her way to stand in front of him "Tyler please, we are suppose to be in this together remember?"

"Bonnie it isn't together when you made this decision without me, I know you think it's what's best for the kids, but they are mine to, I've been their every step of the way, we've made every decision up until now together" Tyler sighed shaking his head. He was unable to look at her.

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