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I stood in the hallway with one of my best friends as everyone around us rushed out or stood around talking. It was the last day of school and now I was officially a junior.

"Pey, when do you get your car back?" Alena asked me, "We can't let this be another boring summer now that we have licenses and an eleventh-grade body."

Alena had curly hair that was in a low-bun today. She always made our uniform look better with her eye for fashion.

She had a model body quite honestly which was to be expected considering that her Mom was Miss Universe twenty years ago.

Alena and I have been best friends since we were four. We sat by each other on the first day of Pre-K and we'd been friends ever since. She was the one who always got me to go outside my comfort zone and pushed me to try new things. I wouldn't be on the student council without her.

"It won't be! I get it back tomorrow." I informed her as my phone rang, "Asher is calling me for the second time so I should get going."

Alena nodded,  "I'll see you later."

I waved goodbye before I walked as fast as I could to the student parking lot.

Why did I have to bust a tire?

I walked around to the passenger's side and opened up the door to see that my usual seat was occupied.

Instead of it being empty, there was a 6'1 boy who had brunet hair and deep brown eyes.

Parker fucking Fitzgerald.

"Ellie." He smirked as I slammed the door shut

Parker and my brother have been inseparable since the second grade. They were attached at the hip. When you saw Parker, you knew that Asher would be close behind.

He always called me Ellie because there was nothing that Parker loved more than embarrassing me.

My first name was Elizabeth, and up until first grade I went by it. My big brother and Parker both went by their middle names and when I was six there was nothing I wanted more than to be like my brother.

Plus I hated being called Elizabeth K. since there were three other Elizabeths in my grade. I liked my middle name, Peyton fit me way better than Elizabeth did.

"Took you long enough, Pey." Asher complained as I got in the back seat of his BMW

I rolled my eyes, "School literally got out seven minutes ago. Calm down."

I looked at Parker, "Why are you here?"

"I got my keys and license taken away." He said plainly

Not like your family doesn't have ten other cars but go off.

"What did you do?" I continued to pry

"Don't worry about it, Ellie." Parker spoke as he looked down at his phone

"His Dad caught him day drinking and about to fuck Lucy Waters." My brother informed me

Asher was laughing it off but I just looked at Parker, who looked embarrassed, and shook my head.

Gosh, he was turning into one of those boys that put hands on every girl they put their eyes on and I hated it.

"We're throwing a party tonight so stay in your room or on the couch or whatever you do." Asher informed me

Asher and Parker always threw these outrageously big parties. It all started with my older sister, Lydia who passed the partying torch to Ash and Parker. The parties usually happened when my parents would go out of town, sometimes when they were in town with a smaller group.

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